2011/12/21 - Jakarta has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.



31 December 2003 - Apache Xindice 1.1 beta 3 Released

**The Apache Xindice team is pleased to announce the release of the next version of the Xindice native XML database:

Apache Xindice 1.1b3

This is the third release in the series of 1.1 beta releases. Xindice 1.1b3 offers numerous bug fixes and improvements over the last beta release. Some new features and enhancements were introduced as well. You can find a list of changes here:

Source and binary distributions compiled with JDK 1.3.1 are available from the download page:

Please send your comments and suggestions to the Xindice mailing lists. Bug reports and patches are accepted via Bugzilla:


Apache Xindice Development Team.

18 December 2003 - Apache Logging Services Project Launched

The log4j developers are pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of the Apache Software Foundation unanimously passed a resolution for the creation of the Apache Logging Services project. A copy of the resolution can be found at:

The Logging Services project is intended to provide cross-language logging services for purposes of application debugging and auditing. The discussions leading to the submission of this resolution can be found at:

We should also mention that thanks to the relentless efforts of many developers and in particular those of Scott Deboy, we currently have inter-operability between the following projects:

  • Log4Cxx (c++)
  • Log4CPlus
  • Log4j
  • Log4Net
  • Log4Perl
  • Log4PHP
  • JDK1.4's util.logging framework

There is still much work ahead bringing in the various projects to work together within the Logging Services Project. The process is likely to take a little while. In the mean time, we will continue to do what we like best, that is developing open source software.

18 December 2003 - Apache Ant 1.6.0 Released

The Apache Ant Team and Apache Software Foundation are happy to announce that Apache Ant 1.6.0 is now available.

You can download the latest Ant from

Thanks to all the people who have contributed to Ant, who have sent critics, comments, patches, questions, ...
For the ones who have sent patches or bug reports which are not yet processed, keep chiming in to remind us of your issues , hopefully we will be able to solve them.

We have done our best to offer new features such as antlib, macrodef, presetdef, ssh tasks, ... and to fix bugs.

A lot of luck with the use of ant 1.6.0.

For more information, take a glance at Apache Ant Website. Enjoy!

03 December 2003 - Xerces-C 2.4.0 is now available

The Xerces-C team is happy to announce that Xerces-C 2.4.0 is now available. There are several major enhancements in this release:

  • An API has been implemented that provides applications access to the Post-Schema Validation Infoset;
  • Grammars which are created by one parser may now be persisted after the destruction of that parser, and they may also be shared among parsers on different threads;
  • Grammar-caching API's have been improved and an enriched entity-resolution API has been added;
  • Grammars may now be serialized to a binary format that permits fast reconstruction of the original grammars at a later date.

More details about the changes in this release may be foundhere [1], and the release may be downloaded from here [2]; please bear in mind that mirrors may take some time to become synchronized.


01 December 2003 - Axis C++ 1.0 Beta Released

See Apache Axis C++ Website for more information.

21 November 2003 - Xerces-J 2.6.0 Released

The Xerces-J team is very happy to announce that version 2.6.0 of Xerces-J is now available.

This release provides an experimental implementation of the Document Object Model Level 3 Core and Load/Save Candidate Recommendations (see beta-dom3-Xerces-J-bin.2.6.0.zip) and also brings Xerces-J into compliance with the XML 1.1 Proposed Recommendation (except that it does not yet provide an option to enable normalization checking as described in section 2.13 of this specification) and Namespaces in XML 1.1 Proposed Recommendation.

Specifically, the significant changes introduced in this release are:

  • Improved the scanning of attribute lists, both small and large.
  • Reimplemented XML11Configuration (the default configuration), improving performance during reset; accomplished primarily by adding an internal feature which allows components to query whether or not they need to read features and properties from the configuration.
  • Modified XML Schema interfaces (org.apache.xerces.xs) and updated the implementation accordingly. Methods were added to expose actual values and their types and new interfaces were added for loading XSModels. In addition, fixed various bugs in the implementation and PSVIWriter sample.
  • Implemented the DOM Level 3 Core and Load and Save Candidate Recommendations.
  • Added support for the 'well-formed' feature in DOM Level 3 Core.
  • Added XML 1.1 support to DOM Level 3.
  • Fixed the serializer so that TAB (0x9), LF (0xA), CR (0xD), NEL (0x85) and LSEP (0x2028) are escaped where appropriate in order to allow these characters to be roundtripped.
  • Implemented experimental support for the XML 1.1 PR. This still excludes section 2.13.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the parser to run out of memory (or other resources) while parsing documents containing many entity references.
  • Implemented missing support for Registry-based Naming Authority in the URI implementation.
  • Modified the XJavac task used by the build file so that Xerces can be built on Linux with Blackdown JDK 1.4.
  • Removed static references to sun.io.CharToByteConverter which made it impossible to compile Xerces on platforms that do not have this internal class. With binaries on such platforms, the serializer was unusable with many encodings.
  • Added support for XML Base to the XInclude implementation. Fixed various bugs regarding text inclusion and relative URI resolution in the XInclude implementation.
  • Implemented errata from the XML 1.0 Second Edition Specification.
  • Moved Xerces' SAX support up to SAX 2.0.1.
  • Fixed bugs in the XML 1.1 entity scanner that in some cases treated NEL (0x85) and LSEP (0x2028) as white space characters in internal entities, and not as end of line characters in external entities.
  • Fixed bug in HTML DOM implementation that would cause a hierarchy request error by trying to move a doctype node to be a child of the <html> element.

For more information see here.

20 November 2003 - Incubated-JaxMe 0.2 Released

JaxMe is an incubated subproject under the sponsorship of the Apache Software Foundation's (ASF) Web Services project. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

incubated-jaxme 0.2 is available for download. For questions or suggestions, contact the mailing list jaxme-dev@ws.apache.org. Finally, the Apache Bugzilla may be used for bug reports.

incubated-jaxme 0.2 includes the following components:

  • JaxMe, an in-progress implementation of the JAXB specification. See JaxMe homepage and JAXB specification for details.
  • JaxMePM, a persistence management framework for JAXB generated classes. The framework includes an object-relational mapper and two accessors for XML databases via XML:DB or the native Tamino API. The framework is currently loosely coupled to JaxMe, but could very well be used with any JAXB generator. See here for details.
  • A clean room implementation of the JAXB API. See here for details. This implementation replaces the files jaxb-api.jar, jax-qname.jar, and namespace.jar from the JAXB RI.
  • JaxMeXS, a parser for XML Schema, specifically designed for code generators based on XML Schema or language extensions like JAXB. See here for details.
  • JaxMeJS, a generic framework for writing source generators. It views the generated sources as an object tree, which may be manipulated in multiple stages. For example, in the case of JaxMe, one distinguishes between elements with multiplicity 1 (single objects) and multiplicity > 1 (lists). The pipelining process enables handling of these elements in two stages, where stage 2 (lists) is based on the work of stage 1 (single objects). JaxMeJS includes a framework for generating SQL queries, following the same ideas. See here for details.

14 November 2003 - Apache Cocoon 2.1.3 Released

The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the new release of Apache Cocoon. This new release is a major maintenance release focusing on minor improvements and bug fixes.

Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concept of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job without having to step on each other toes) and component-oriented web RAD.

Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component pipelines' modelled after the 'process chain' concept where each worker specializes on a particular operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions where these components can be hooked together into pipelines without requiring further programming.

We like to think at Cocoon as "web glue" for your web application development needs. But most important, a glue that can keep concerns separate and allow parallel evolution of the two sides, improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.

For more information about Apache Cocoon 2.1.3, please go to the Apache Cocoon website

31 October 2003 - Apache Axis C++ v1.0 (Alpha) Released

Apache Axis C++ Team is proud to announce the release of Apache Axis C++ v1.0 (Alpha).

This implementation of a C++ SOAP engine provides a stable platform for developing Web services using C/C++ as well as a client side library for developing C/C++ client applications. This release includes the following features:

  • SOAP engine with both client and server support
  • Partial support for both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2
  • WSDD based deployment with dynamic deployment tools.
  • Support for all basic types, complex types and arrays
  • WSDL2WS tool for building C/C++ components from WSDL
    Server side - Skeletons and Wrappers
    Client side - Stubs
  • WSDL2WS tool generated wrappers act as RPC Providers and they perform
    Method invocation
  • WSDLs hosted statistically in the server.
  • Standalone SOAP server (HTTP)
  • Web server modules for Apache HTTPD 1.3 (Linux/Windows)
  • Web interface to the deployed services and their WSDLs.
  • Sample web services and client applications.
  • Supportive documentation for developers and users.

Both binary and source are available at Apache mirror sites:

We invite all interested Web services developers and users to evaluate Axis C++ and give us feedback and help improve Axis C++ to be the best C/C++ SOAP engine.

Please direct user questions to axis-user@ws.apache.org and any bug reports, patches, suggestions for improvement etc. to axis-dev@ws.apache.org.

The Axis C++ Development Team.

30 October 2003 - Apache Xalan Java 2.5.2 Released

The Xalan team is pleased to announce the availability of Xalan Java 2.5.2.

Xalan Java provides XSLT processors for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. The Xalan Java Interpretive processor and the Xalan Java Compiling processor implement XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0, XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0, and Java API for XML Programming (JAXP) Version 1.2.

Xalan Java 2.5.2 can be downloaded from one of the Apache mirrors at http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/xml/xalan-j

Updates in this release include:

  • Bug fixes
    (see http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/readme.html for a list of bugs that have been fixed in this release)
  • Performance fixes
    (see the bug list for specifics)
  • Documentation updates, including a fix which allows the docs (javadoc) to be built with JDK 1.4

29 October 2003 - Apache HTTP Server 2.0.48 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the eleventh public release of the Apache 2.0 HTTP Server. This Announcement notes the significant changes in 2.0.48 as compared to 2.0.47.

This version of Apache is principally a bug fix release. A summary of the bug fixes is given at the end of this document. Of particular note is that 2.0.48 addresses two security vulnerabilities:

mod_cgid mishandling of CGI redirect paths could result in CGI output going to the wrong client when a threaded MPM is used.

A buffer overflow could occur in mod_alias and mod_rewrite when a regular expression with more than 9 captures is configured.

This release is compatible with modules compiled for 2.0.42 and later versions. We consider this release to be the best version of Apache available and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.

Apache 2.0.48 is available for download from

Please see the CHANGES_2.0 file, linked from the above page, for a full list of changes.

Apache 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements, and performance boosts over the 1.3 codebase. For an overview of new features introduced after 1.3 please see


When upgrading or installing this version of Apache, please keep in mind the following:
If you intend to use Apache with one of the threaded MPMs, you must ensure that the modules (and the libraries they depend on) that you will be using are thread-safe. Please contact the vendors of these modules to obtain this information.

For more information, see the Apache HTTP Server Project WebSite.

29 October 2003 - Apache HTTP Server 1.3.29 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.29 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache"). This Announcement notes the significant changes in 1.3.29 as compared to 1.3.28. The Announcement is also available in German from http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/Announcement.html.de.

This version of Apache is principally a bug and security fix release. A partial summary of the bug fixes is given at the end of this document.
A full listing of changes can be found in the CHANGES file. Of particular note is that 1.3.29 addresses and fixes 1 potential security issue:

o CAN-2003-0542 (cve.mitre.org) Fix buffer overflows in mod_alias and mod_rewrite which occurred if one configured a regular expression with more than 9 captures.

We consider Apache 1.3.29 to be the best version of Apache 1.3 available and we strongly recommend that users of older versions, especially of the 1.1.x and 1.2.x family, upgrade as soon as possible. No further releases will be made in the 1.2.x family.

Apache 1.3.29 is available for download from:

This service utilizes the network of mirrors listed at:

Please consult the CHANGES_1.3 file for a full list of changes.

As of Apache 1.3.12 binary distributions contain all standard Apache modules as shared objects (if supported by the platform) and include full source code. Installation is easily done by executing the included install script. See the README.bindist and INSTALL.bindist files for a complete explanation. Please note that the binary distributions are only provided for your convenience and current distributions for specific platforms are not always available. Win32 binary distributions are based on the Microsoft Installer (.MSI) technology. While development continues to make this installation method more robust, questions should be directed to the news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.ms-windows newsgroup.

For an overview of new features introduced after 1.2 please see

In general, Apache 1.3 offers several substantial improvements over version 1.2, including better performance, reliability and a wider range of supported platforms, including Windows NT and 2000 (which fall under the "Win32" label), OS2, Netware, and TPF threaded platforms.

Apache is the most popular web server in the known universe; over half of the servers on the Internet are running Apache or one of its variants.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR APACHE USERS: Apache 1.3 was designed for Unix OS variants. While the ports to non-Unix platforms (such as Win32, Netware or OS2) are of an acceptable quality, Apache 1.3 is not optimized for these platforms. Security, stability, or performance issues on these non-Unix ports do not generally apply to the Unix version, due to software's Unix origin.

Apache 2.0 has been structured for multiple operating systems from its inception, by introducing the Apache Portability Library and MPM modules. Users on non-Unix platforms are strongly encouraged to move up to Apache 2.0 for better performance, stability and security on their platforms.

For more information, see the Apache HTTP Server Project WebSite.

15 October 2003 - The Apache Newsletter Issue #2 Released

The Apache Newsletter Issue 2 has finally arrived! Thanks to all the contributors!!

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

14 October 2003 - XML-Commons Resolver component 1.1 beta 1 Released

The xml-commons team is pleased to announce a beta release of our popular Resolver component version 1.1b1 (beta before a 1.1 release).
The release is available at


Resolver (http://xml.apache.org/commons/components/resolver/index.html) is a catalog-based XML Entity and URI resolver suitable for plugging into your XML tools. It supports several popular catalog formats. XML-Commons is a subproject devoted to XML Standards-related code and components, and also hosts the Which utility and xml-apis.jar, which implements JAXP.


Resolver 1.1b1 is a beta release in preparation for a 1.1 release in the very near future. It incorporates a number of minor bugfixes as well as some new functionality requested by the Ant team. Note that some of the APIs in 1.1 are not backwards-compatible with the 1.0 release, so if you're a previous user please read the release notes carefully.

This release is built from code tagged xml-commons-resolver-1_1_b1 in CVS.

The full list of changes for 1.1x is viewable at:

http://xml.apache.org/commons/components/resolver/resolver-release-not es.html

Please send feedback to commons-dev@xml.apache.org (after subscribing).

The Apache xml-commons team

13 October 2003 - Scarab Beta 17 is now available from Tigris.org

Scarab is the next-generation Issue/Artifact tracking system from Tigris.org. Scarab uses several technologies from Jakarta and the Scarab community contains several well known faces from Jakartaland.

06 October 2003 - Apache Forrest 0.5.1 Released

The Forrest team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Forrest 0.5.1. The release is available at

Forrest (http://xml.apache.org/forrest/) is an XML standards-oriented project documentation framework built on Apache Cocoon, providing XSLT stylesheets and schemas, images and other resources. Forrest uses these to render the XML source content into a website via command-line, robot (see http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org/), or a dynamic web application.


Forrest 0.5.1 is a bugfix release over 0.5. Most notably, it comes with an updated Cocoon (2.1.2) which fixes a bug in the command-line where certain pages in a site weren't rendered (FOR-66). Other bugfixes include:

  1. Added obfuscate-mail-links skinconf.xml option, on by default (FOR-67)
  2. Fix forrest-site tables bug that broke Opera (FOR-65)
  3. Fixed URLs for comma-separated bug keys in status.xml
  4. In skinconf.xml, made project-description optional to keep compatibility with 0.4.
  5. forrest.antproxy.xml script now properly fails when Cocoon fails
  6. Fix bugs in forrest.bat|sh scripts encountered when used in odd environments (perl and Win9x). (FOR-47, FOR-48)
  7. The 'forrest' command no longer sources /etc/antrc and ~/.antrc, which solves problems on some *nix distributions.

The full list of changes for 0.5 and 0.5.1 is viewable at:


For current 0.4 users, an Upgrade Guide to 0.5 is available at:


Please send feedback to forrest-dev@xml.apache.org (after subscribing).

The Apache Forrest team

02 October 2003 - Apache Cocoon 2.1.2 Released

Apache Cocoon 2.1.2 Released

The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the new release of Apache Cocoon.

Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concept of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job without having to step on each other toes) and component-oriented web RAD.

Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component pipelines' modelled after the 'process chain' concept where each worker specializes on a particular operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions where these components can be hooked together into pipelines without requiring further programming.

We like to think at Cocoon as "web glue" for your web application development needs. But most important, a glue that can keep concerns separate and allow parallel evolution of the two sides, improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.

For more information about Apache Cocoon 2.1.2, please go to

The Apache Cocoon Project

30 September 2003 - Apache Ant 1.6beta1 Available

The Apache Ant team is proud to announce the first beta of Ant 1.6. It is now now available for download. As we've already said in the announcements of Ant 1.5.4, this release requires JDK 1.2 or later to run.

We encourage user to give this beta a release a try and report any bugs found so that we get a chance to fix them before we make the final release of Ant 1.6.

Ant 1.6 adds a lot of new features, most prominently support for XML namespaces as well as a new concept of Ant libraries that makes use of namespaces to avoid name clashes of custom tasks. For a longer list of fixed bugs and new features see the release notes.

29 September 2003 - Apache Maven 1.0 Release Candidate 1 Released!

The Maven team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 1!


Maven is a Java project management and project comprehension tool. Maven is based on the concept of a project object model (POM) in that all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting a well defined model for your project. Builds, documentation, source metrics, and source cross-references are all controlled by your POM.

Maven has many goals, but in a nutshell Maven aims to make the developer's life easier by providing a well defined project structure, well defined development processes to follow, and a coherent body of documentation that keeps your developers and clients apprised of what's happening with your project. Maven alleviates a lot of what most developers consider drudgery and lets them get on with the task at hand. This is essential in OSS projects where there aren't many people dedicated to the task of documenting and propagating the critical information about your project which is necessary in order to attract potential new developers and clients.

This version is primarily a bugfix release.

Bugs fixed

Bugs to be fixed for 1.0

You can find the Maven distributions here:
http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/ (Using Mirrors)

26 September 2003 - Apache Avalon Merlin 3.0 beta 1 release

The Avalon Team is proud to announce the release of Merlin 3.0 Beta 1. Merlin is an advanced component and service management solution that simplifies and enhances component development, assembly and service deployment concerns.

Merlin 3.0 binaries can be downloaded from the following site:


Key Product Features:

  • auto assembly
  • muli-layer configuration management
  • advanced context management
  • composite component management
  • packaged deployment scenarios
  • local and remote repository integration
  • integral jar extension management
  • Maven plugin support for meta-info generation and simulated deployment
  • product packaging and install services
  • based on Avalon component meta model
  • support for legacy migration

Product documentation, tutorials and specifications are available on the Merlin Home site http://avalon.apache.org/merlin/ or the download link referenced above.

26 September 2003 - Apache Avalon Excalibur i18n 1.1 and Configuration 1.1 Released

The Avalon Team is pleased to announce availability of the upgrade releases of the Excalibur i18n internationalization and Excalibur Configuration utilities. These updates include minor enhancements to configuration listing and equality testing, and facilities enabling dynamic updating of a language locale.

Binary distributions are available under the following sites:

Excalibur i18n 1.1

Excalibur Configuration 1.1

Additional information is available on-line at the following Home Page locations:

Excalibur i18n Home

Excalibur Configuration Home

26 September 2003 - Apache Avalon Framework 4.1.5 + Meta 1.1 Released

The Avalon Team is proud to announce the general availability of Avalon Framework 4.1.5 and Avalon Meta 1.1 packages. The new framework release includes enhancements linked to the new Avalon Meta model. Collectively the two packages represent an important step forward in the evolution of the Avalon component model.

Binary distributions of the packages are available at the following download sites:

Avalon Framework 4.1.5 (Binary Distribution)

Avalon Meta 1.1 (Binary Distribution)

New features introduced under the Avalon Meta package include:

  • component type descriptor meta-info model
  • container-neutral framework
  • declaration of component type dependencies
  • declaration of service publication
  • specification of logging channel assumptions
  • context strategy and context casting assumptions
  • context entry dependencies
  • context entry generation semantic
  • configuration schema details
  • XML and serialized object support

Tools released in conjunction with the Avalon Meta package include an Ant task and Maven plugin supporting the automation of meta-info generation from @avalon javadoc tags.

Additional information can be found on-line at the following Home Page Locations:

Avalon Framework

Avalon Meta

24 September 2003 - JaxMe Is Now Under Incubation in WS.APACHE.ORG

JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding. A Java/XML binding compiler takes as input a schema description (in most cases an XML schema, but it may be a DTD, a RelaxNG schema, a Java class inspected via reflection, or a database schema). The output is a set of Java classes:

  • A Java bean class matching the schema description. (If the schema was obtained via Java reflection, the original Java bean class.)
  • Read a conforming XML document and convert it into the equivalent Java bean
  • Vice versa, marshal the Java bean back into the original XML document.

The Apache Incubator provides an entry path to the Apache Software Foundation. JaxMe has been accepted and is starting to make it's first steps along this path with the Apache Web Services Project as the eventual destination. The source has now been entered into ASF repositories and the mailing lists are open for debate. More details can be found on the JaxMe web site.

24 September 2003 - XMLBeans Is Now Under Incubation in XML.APACHE.ORG

XMLBeans is an XML-Java binding tool that uses XML Schema as a basis for generating Java classes to be used to easily access XML instance data. It was designed to provide both easy access to XML information via convenient Java classes as well as complete access to the underlying XML, combining the best of low-level, full access APIs like SAX and DOM with the convenience of Java binding.

The Apache Incubator provides an entry path to the Apache Software Foundation. XMLBean has been accepted and is starting to make it's first steps along this path with the Apache XML Project as the eventual destination. The source has now been entered into ASF repositories and the mailing lists are open for debate. More details can be found on the XML Beans web site.

14 September 2003 - Apache Forrest 0.5 Released

The Forrest team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Forrest 0.5. The release is available at http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/xml/forrest/


Forrest (http://xml.apache.org/forrest/) is an XML standards-oriented project documentation framework built on Apache Cocoon, providing XSLT stylesheets and schemas, images and other resources. Forrest uses these to render the XML source content into a website via command-line, robot (see http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org/), or a dynamic web application.


Significant progress has been made in the seven months since Forrest 0.4. New features include:

  • * 70%-300% faster, thanks to the new command-line interface in Cocoon 2.1.1
  • * Ability to generate a single PDF/HTML of the entire site
  • * New flexible tab/menu system [1]
  • * Numerous skin improvements, including Javascript-controlled menus, handling of <abstract> and <version>, configurable mini-toc depth, menu tooltips, and a new pure CSS variant of standard skin.
  • * DTD improvements (v11 replaced with v12, and v20 in development)
  • * Rudimentary Docbook support
  • * Wiki support [2]
  • * Improved PDF output

Under the hood, the monolithic sitemap has been divided into functional categories and logical layers [3], with the aim of making Forrest sites easier to maintain, and new features easier to add.

The full list of changes is viewable at:


An Upgrade Guide is available at:


Please send feedback to forrest-dev@xml.apache.org (after subscribing).

For more information on the Apache Forrest project, please see

- The Apache Forrest Development Team

07 September 2003 - Apache Avalon Cornerstone 1.0 Components Released

The Avalon team is proud to announce the 1.0 final releases of several Avalon-Cornerstone components.

Avalon-Cornerstone (also known as Avalon-Components) is a repository for reusable components built using Avalon-Framework. The components currently being released are primarily oriented at server application development. Included are several components for the management of connections, sockets, datasources and threads, as well as a cron-like scheduling component and a generic object store utility.

You may get the official releases from the following URL:

For more information on Avalon-Cornerstone, please see

For more information on the Apache Avalon project, please see

- The Avalon Development Team

01 September - Apache Torque 3.1 Released

The Apache Torque team is pleased to announce the final release of Torque 3.1!

The cvs tag for this version is TORQUE_3_1_0
The branch tag for 3.1.x versions is TORQUE_3_1_BRANCH

You can find a full list of changes here:
http://db.apache.org/torque/changes-report.html You can find the Torque distributions here:


  • Torque 3.1 is the first release where the runtime and generation environments are seperated.
  • Torque 3.1 is the last release where torque uses the stratum lifecycle interfaces (you can load Torque as an Avalon component using Turbine-2.3)
  • Torque now uses commons-logging
  • Torque now generates valid repository files for OJB-1.0-rc4

For more information, see the Apache DB Project - Apache Torque website.

01 September - Apache Torque 3.1 R.C. Now Available

27 August - Apache Software Foundation EU Patent Protest

The Apache Software Foundation added their support to the protest against EU software patents by displaying a message to all visitors to all top level project pages. The text of the message follows:

On September 1st the European Commission is going to vote a revised version of the European Patentability rules. The proposed revision contains a set of serious challenges to Open Source development since regulation regarding software patents will be broadly extended and might forbid independent development of innovative (Open Source and not) software-based solutions.
The European Open Source community is very concerned about the upcoming new regulation and has organized a demo protest for August 27, asking Open Source supporting sites to change their home pages to let everyone know what is going on at the European Parliament. The Apache Software Foundation has decided to support this initiative, and this is why you are seeing this page.
For further information please see http://swpat.ffii.org and http://petition.eurolinux.org. You will be redirected automatically to the Jakarta homepage in 60 seconds (or continue on to jakarta.apache.org).

25 August 2003 - Java JDK version 1.3.1 Now Available For FreeBSD.

The FreeBSD Foundation today announced that a binary distribution of the Java JDK version 1.3.1 is now available for the FreeBSD operating system.

The FreeBSD Foundation's java distribution can be downloaded from http://www.FreeBSDFoundation.org/downloads/java.shtml. The FreeBSD Foundation is also providing OEM licenses to FreeBSD distributors, permitting them to ship out-of-the-box Java support with FreeBSD.

22 August 2003 - LDAPd 0.71a released.

LDAPd has released an interim alpha bug fix release, 0.71a before major architectural changes to emerge in the new LDAPd Server code named 'Eve'. LDAPd is a standalone and embeddable Avalon based LDAPv3 server leveraging several Apache software packages. LDAPd employs a Staged Event Driven Architecture and will eventually have support for LDAP Java stored procedures, and triggers along with a server side JNDI LDAP provider. The server side JNDI LDAP provider enables easy integration into the process space of host applications and will serve as the data access API for server side code in stored procedures and triggers. LDAPd is currently preparing its proposal for the Apache Incubator in the hopes of adding to the suite of flagship Apache protocol servers.

Please see the LDAPd Website for more details.

19 August 2003 - Apache Torque 3.1-beta1 released.

The Torque team is pleased to announce the first beta release for Torque 3.1!

You can find a full list of changes here:

You can find the Torque distributions here:


  • Torque 3.1 is the first release where the runtime and generation environments are seperated.
  • Torque 3.1 is the last release where torque uses the stratum lifecycle interfaces (you can load Torque as an Avalon component using Turbine-2.3 HEAD)
  • Torque now uses commons-logging
  • Torque now generates valid repository files for OJB-1.0-rc4

Please see the The Apache Torque Website for more details.

15 August 2003 - The Apache Newsletter Issue #1 Released

The Apache Newsletter Issue 1 has finally arrived! Thanks to all the contributors!!

Editor: Tetsuya Kitahata

13 August 2003 - Apache Cocoon 2.1 Released

The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the new release of Apache Cocoon.

Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concept of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job without having to step on each other toes) and component-oriented web RAD.

Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of 'component pipelines' modelled after the 'process chain' concept where each worker specializes on a particular operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building web solutions where these components can be hooked together into pipelines without requiring further programming.

We like to think at Cocoon as "web glue" for your web application development needs. But most important, a glue that can keep concerns separate and allow parallel evolution of the two sides, improving development pace and reducing the chance of conflicts.

For more information about Apache Cocoon 2.1, please go to http://cocoon.apache.org/

The Apache Cocoon Project

12 August 2003 - Ant 1.5.4 Available

Apache Ant 1.5.4 is now available for download.

This is a minor bugfix release that fixes a problem with the javah task on JDK 1.4.2 and a couple of bugs in the Visual Age for Java intergration tasks. If you don't use javah or VAJ, there is no reason to upgrade.

05 August 2003 - Apache Geronimo -- participation in Apache J2EE efforts

As you may have heard by now, the Apache Software Foundation has initiated a project to develop an open source, Apache-licensed implementation of the J2EE specification. In addition, the project is committed to certifying the implementation as J2EE compliant. This is an ambitious goal and will present a formidable challenge for the people involved, given the wide range of technologies covered by the specification.

The project (tentatively named "Apache Geronimo") builds upon the many Java projects at the Apache Software Foundation. In addition, the project is bringing together leading members of the Castor, JBoss, MX4J and OpenEJB communities. We would like to extend an open invitation to everyone involved in the J2EE space, both commercial entities and talented individuals, to join the community and build a world-class J2EE implementation.

The Apache Software Foundation is in a unique position to build a J2EE compliant platform. Our non-profit, charity status, and our relationship with Sun Microsystems, provides the Foundation with access to the J2EE TCKs, making it possible to achieve certification. In addition, our flexible and unrestrictive licensing makes it possible for a wide variety of participants to assist in the development of Apache Geronimo, and to build their own solutions upon the platform.

Apache Geronimo has been launched within the Apache Incubator. You can find more information about the Incubator at http://incubator.apache.org/.

Mailing Lists
Apache Geronimo has two mailing lists of interest:

The geronimo-dev mailing list is where all the discussion occurs. The geronimo-cvs mailing list receives commit mails each time a commit is made to the incubator-geronimo CVS module.

You can subscribe to the mailing lists by sending an email to one or both of the following addresses:


The original proposal of Geronimo can be found from here.

For more information, visit the The Apache Geronimo (Tentative) Website

On behalf of the Apache Geronimo Team,
Greg Stein,
Chairman of the Apache Software Foundation

31 Jul 2003 - Apache Xerces2 Java Parser 2.5.0 released

The Apache Xerces2 Java Parser team is very happy to announce that version 2.5.0 of Xerces2 Java Parser is now available.

This release provides a partial partial implementation of the XML Inclusions (XInclude) W3C Candidate Recommendation and also brings Xerces-J into compliance with the most recent work of the W3C DOM working group on DOM level 3 Core and Load/Save.

Specifically, the significant changes introduced in this release are:

  • Added annotation support to the XML Schema component model API implementation. Modified the PSVI API to allow exposing facets as objects. [Neil Graham, Elena Litani]
  • Added preliminary XInclude implementation, excluding support for XPointer and XML Base specifications. [Peter McCracken, Arun Yadav, Elena Litani]
  • Implemented the latest DOM Level 3 Core and Load and Save drafts in Last Call. [Elena Litani, Gopal Sharma, Arun Yadav, Neeraj Bajaj]
  • Modified PSVIWriter to output all PSVI information. Changed it to output to an XNI event stream rather than a file. [Peter McCracken, Neil Graham]
  • Modified error messages for Schema validation. [Peter McCracken, Sandy Gao]
  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the scanner caused by some invalid character references. [Michael Glavassevich]
  • Fixed various bugs related to XML 1.1. [Neil Graham, Neil Delima, Michael Glavassevich]
  • Fixed various bugs in the URI implementation, and added previously missing support for IPv6 addresses. [Michael Glavassevich]
  • Fixed performance issue for attributes with large value field. [Thomas DeWeese]
  • Fixed various bugs. [Neil Delima, Neil Graham, Elena Litani, Michael Glavassevich, K. Venugopal]

The release can be downloaded from

For more information, visit the Apache Xerces2 Java Parser Project WebSite

30 Jul 2003 - Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate released

The Apache Cocoon team is proud to announce the new release of Apache Cocoon.

Check out the Cocoon website http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/ for more information.

Apache Cocoon is an XML framework that raises the usage of XML and XSLT technologies for server applications to a new level. Designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX processing, Cocoon offers a flexible environment based on the separation of concerns between content, logic and style. A centralized configuration system and sophisticated caching top this all off and help you to create, deploy and maintain rock-solid XML server applications.

Today, most web engineers consider XML as the key for an improved web model and web site managers see XML as a way to reduce costs and ease production. In an era where services rather than software will be key for economic success, a better and less expensive model for web publishing will be a winner, especially one based on open standards.

The Apache Cocoon Team

27 Jul 2003 - Apache OJB (Object Relational Bridge) 1.0 RC4 released

The Apache OJB (Apache DB/OJB Project) team is pleased to announce the release of OJB (Object Relational Bridge) 1.0 RC4. This Release Candidate will be the final RC, and we will be able to release OJB 1.0 Final in the near future.

Binary and source distributions are available from HERE.


  • With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release! For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.
  • added a XDoclet OJB Module that allows to generate repository.xml and DDL from tagged Java sources to the "contrib" distribution.
  • added an OJB Taglib that allows to use OJB directly from JSP pages to the "contrib" distribution.


  • update used xdoclet version in 'ejb-examples' (see section deployment/'Build the OJB sample session beans') to version 1.2xx


  • Enhance MetadataManager, add new methods, simplify handling of different persistent object metadata profiles (means different org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.DescriptorRepository instances) at runtime
  • Provide a PUBLIC doctype declaration for the repository.xml
  • add a convenience Constructor to QueryByCriteria that builds a query selecting all instances of a class
  • add isClosed() method to PersistenceBroker interface to check if a broker instance was already closed.
  • make OJB more strict in handling closed PersistenceBroker instances. Now it's not any longer possible to use closed PersistenceBroker instances.
  • Package ...metadata.fieldaccess refactored/changed. Now all PersistentField implementations support 'nested fields'. See new entries in OJB.properties file.
  • added new sections to documentation


  • fix several bugs in documentation
  • fixed writing to memo columns in MS Access
  • fixed optimistic locking problem
  • fixed jdo tutorial setup

This release note is also available from here. For more information about OJB (Object Relational Bridge), see The Apache OJB Website. Please send feedback/bugreports to the mailing list (Objectbridge Developer List).

18 Jul 2003 - Apache FOP 0.20.5 released

The Apache FOP team is pleased to announce the release of FOP 0.20.5

Binary and source distributions are available at: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/xml/fop/

Changes since 0.20.4 include:

  • Added support for PDF encryption
  • Perfomance tuning
  • Fixed link hotspot positioning
  • Fixed multi-threading issues
  • Added support for CCITT Group 4 encoded TIFF files
  • Dynamic JAI support
  • Added autoselecting portrait/landscape for PCL and PS Renderer
  • Added continued-label extension for tables
  • Improved AWT Font-measuring/rendering
  • Improved marker handling
  • Fixed problem with jpegs with icc profile and acrobat reader 5
  • Added a fontBaseDir property
  • TXTRenderer output encoding
  • border-spacing support
  • and a lot more bugfixes

For details see the CHANGES file:

For more information about FOP see http://xml.apache.org/fop/. Please send feedback/bugreports to the mailing list or enter them in Bugzilla.

18 Jul 2003 - Apache HTTP Server 1.3.28 released

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache Server Project are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.28 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache"). This Announcement notes the significant changes in 1.3.28 as compared to 1.3.27. The Announcement is also available in German from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/httpd/Announcement.txt.de.

This version of Apache is principally a bug and security fix release. A partial summary of the bug fixes is given at the end of the release note document. A full listing of changes can be found in the CHANGES file. Of particular note is that 1.3.28 addresses and fixes 3 potential security issues:

Apache HTTP Server 2.0.47 is available for download from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi - or - http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/httpd/

Apache is the most popular web server in the known universe; over half of the servers on the Internet are running Apache or one of its variants.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR APACHE USERS: Apache 1.3 was designed for Unix OS variants. While the ports to non-Unix platforms (such as Win32, Netware or OS2) are of an acceptable quality, Apache 1.3 is not optimized for these platforms. Security, stability, or performance issues on these non-Unix ports do not generally apply to the Unix version, due to software's Unix origin.

Apache 2.0 has been structured for multiple operating systems from its inception, by introducing the Apache Portability Library and MPM modules. Users on non-Unix platforms are strongly encouraged to move up to Apache 2.0 for better performance, stability and security on their platforms.

See The Apache HTTP Server Home Page for more details.

15 Jul 2003 - Apache.org projects included in Out-of-the-Box 2.1

Many Jakarta Products and Jakarta Related have been included in 'Out-of-the-Box 2.1', an intelligent distribution of over 100 Open Source projects for Java developers on both Linux and Windows.

--- Jakarta Products ---

--- Jakarta Related Projects ---

Please visit http://www.ejbsolutions.com/ for details or to download the free Community Edition.

14 Jul 2003 - Apache Maven 1.0 beta10 released

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Maven Team are pleased to announce the Apache Maven 1.0 beta10.

You can download the Maven 1.0 beta from http://maven.apache.org/builds/release/1.0-beta-10/.

See The Apache Maven Home Page for more details.

09 Jul 2003 - Apache Http Server 2.0.47 released

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the tenth public release of the Apache 2.0 HTTP Server. This Announcement notes the significant changes in 2.0.47 as compared to 2.0.46.

Apache Httpd WebServer 2.0.47 is available for download from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi.

This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix release. A summary of the bug fixes is given at the end of this document. Of particular note is that 2.0.47 addresses four security vulnerabilities.

See The Apache HTTP Server Home Page for more details.

24 June 2003 - World Wide Web Consortium Issues SOAP Version 1.2 as a W3C Recommendation

W3C has issued SOAP 1.2 as a recommendation. This means that the SOAP 1.2 specification is now (effectively) a web standard. Apache software related to SOAP can be found in the Web Services and XML projects.

The press release is here.

25 June 2003 - Apache Tools Feature In 2003 JavaWorld Awards

The results of the 7th JavaWorld Tools award are given in this article. Ant won the Most Useful Java Community-Developed Technology award. Xerces Java won the Best Java-XML Tool.


12 June 2003 - James featured on IBM developerWorks

Claude Duguay has written two excellent articles on James for IBM developerWorks
[article1] An introduction to Apache's James enterprise e-mail server.
[article2] Build e-mail based applications with Matchers and Mailets.

28 May 2003 - Apache 2.0.46 released

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the ninth public release of the Apache 2.0 HTTP Server. This Announcement notes the significant changes in 2.0.46 as compared to 2.0.45.

This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix release. This release is compatible with modules compiled for 2.0.42 and later versions. We consider this release to be the best version of Apache available and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.

See The Apache HTTP Server Home Page for more details.

12 May 2003 - James (Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server) v2.1.3 released

James v2.1.3 has released on 12 May, 2003 and this is the latest in the James v2.1 series. Both binary and source distributions are available.

James v2.1.3 fixes several important defects, and contains functional improvements. See the Change Log for a detailed list of changes. All users are urged to upgrade to v2.1.3 as soon as possible.

See changelog for more details.

Download James in binary or source form.

5 May 2003 - Scarab 1.0 Beta 14 Released By Tigris.org

Scarab is the next-generation Issue/Artifact tracking system from Tigris.org. Scarab uses several technologies from Jakarta and the Scarab community contains several well known faces from Jakartaland.

See here for more details.

9 April 2003 - Ant 1.5.3 released.

This is a maintenance release that fixes several serious bugs in the zip family of tasks found after Apache Ant 1.5.2 was released. For a full list of changes see here.

Download Ant in binary or source form.

8 April 2003 - LDAPd 0.7 released.

LDAPd is a pure Java LDAP v3 protocol, RFC 2251 compliant server. It's architecture is based on Matt Welsh's Staged Event Driven Architecture (SEDA).

It is a compoentized application that is designed for a number of runtime scenarios and initially delivered for Apache's Phoenix container. LDAPd reuses many Jakarta based components - Commons-Collections, Jakarta-RegExp, Jakarta-ORO as well as Avalon components and frameworks.

See the homepage

2nd April 2003 - Apache 2.0.45 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the eighth public release of the Apache 2.0 HTTP Server.

This version of Apache is principally a security and bug fix release. A summary of the bug fixes is given at the end of this document. Of particular note is that 2.0.45 addresses two security vulnerabilities, both affecting all platforms.

We consider this release to be the best version of Apache available and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade.

Apache 2.0.45 source code is available for download from here.

Apache 2.0.45 binary releases will become available for download from here

Please remember to check the signature when downloading from a mirror.

29 March 2003 - Xerces-J 2.4.0 Released

The Xerces-J team is very happy to announce that version 2.4.0 of Xerces-J is now available. Xerces-J is the Java XML parser from the Apache XML Project.

Although in the last release the Xerces Native Interface (XNI) core was declared to be gold, this release includes two minor modifications to the XMLResourceIdentifier and XMLLocator interfaces.

This release also brings Xerces-J into compliance with the most recent work of the W3C DOM working group on DOM level 3 Core and Load/Save, and includes more XML Schema errata fixes. The XML 1.1 Candidate Recommendation is now supported by default (the option for verifying that documents are normalized has not been yet implemented).

The release can be downloaded from here.

3 March 2003 - Ant 1.5.2 released.

This is a maintenance release that fixes several issues identified after Apache Ant 1.5.1 was released. For a full list of changes see here.

Download Ant in binary or source form.

25 February 2003 - Enterprise Object Broker 0.9.5: Easier than EJB

Enterprise Object Broker (EOB) is an application server that tries to a be a simpler to develop for than EJB. It is not quite complete yet, but we have many demos showing local, remote, and built-in webapp usage.

EOB uses AltRMI from Apache's Incubator project. AltRMI is RMI for normal Java interfaces. Server-side beans have these characteristics:

  • no requirement to extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject,
  • no requirement to throw java.rmi.RemoteException for each method,
  • no requirement to implementing java.rmi.Remote.
It is simple to use and has multiple transport types, including some that pipe between classloaders in the same JVM.

EOB and AltRMI are bringing .NET's remoting back to Java.

Take a look at....
http://www.enterpriseobjectbroker.org - EOB's home page.
http://demo.enterpriseobjectbroker.org:8080 - sometimes available demo server.
http://incubator.apache.org/projects/altrmi/ - AltRMI's home page.

21 February 2003 - Ant 1.5.2beta1 released.

The upcoming 1.5.2 final release is primarily a maintenance release that fixes several issues identified after Apache Ant 1.5.1 was released.

The full list of changes as well as binary and source release files can be found here.

Your timely feedback on this beta is very important. You may either fill out a bug report at http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/ which is the prefered way or send a mail to dev@ant.apache.org to bring any issues to the attention of the developers.

16 February 2003 - Enterprise Object Broker 0.9: Easier than EJB

See above for description and links.

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