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26 October 2002 - Enterprise Object Broker 0.75: EJB for mere mortalsSee above for description and links. 21 May 2002 - OpenORB Community Edition 1.3 Beta 1 ReleasedAfter nearly 6 months of steady product improvement, rationalisation and platform enhancement, the OpenORB community is proud to release the first beta of the "Community OpenORB" product suite version 1.3. Version 1.3 introduced significant enhancements based on the Jakarta Avalon component framework - including configuration and context management, ORB initialization and service logging. All modules have been updated and brought into line with strict coding standards, major enhancements to the logging framework (including support for alternative logging mechanisms including Log4J, JDK1.4 Logging, and Avalon Logkit), a complete revision of the build systems with unification of the build structure across all packages, and the introduction of docbook based documentation. A complete list of changes per package is available in the WHATSNEW file included with each module. Release 1.3 beta 1 available at 24 May 2002 - OpenEJB 0.8 Beta 2 ReleasedOpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable, and extendable EJB Container System and EJB Server. An EJB Container System:
An EJB Server: Release 0.8 beta 2 available at 23 May 2002 - JBoss Project posts the third release candidate for JBoss 3.0.0The award winning JBoss Project just posted the third release candidate for JBoss 3.0.0. JBoss is an Open Source, standards-compliant, Enterprise JavaBeans application server implemented in pure Java. JBoss provides JBossServer, the basic EJB container and JMX infrastructure, JBossMQ for JMS messaging, JBossMail for mail, JBossTX for JTA/JTS transactions, JBossSX for JAAS based security, JBossCX for JCA connectivity, and JBossCMP for CMP persistence. It integrates with Tomcat Servlet/JSP container and Jetty Web server/servlet container, and enables you to mix and match these components through JMX by replacing any component you wish with a JMX-compliant implementation for the same APIs. The goal is to provide a full J2EE stack in the Free/Open Source software world. 9 May 2002 - Krysalis Centipede 1.0 beta2 Released - maven included
Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based on Apache Ant.
It's based on the CDC paradigm, that keeps focus on Community, Documentation
and Code. This beta contains much more documentation, fixes coming from user feedback, enhanced descriptors, and a target to create automatic descriptors' and cents' documentation. We have integrated the Maven docs generation and the Maven xref generation using a cent, along with numerous bugfixes. The docs are generated from the same Forrest DTD. This way users can decide to switch in any moment, preventing vendor lock-in.
Major features:
Other changes:
For more, visit Krysalis on SourceForge or the Krysalis web site. 30 April 2002 - Krysalis Centipede 1.0 beta1 Released
Krysalis Centipede is a project build system based on Apache Ant. Centipede has been through major changes, like autodownloading and autoinstalling build plugins, and now is stable and ready for user testing.
It's based on the CDC paradigm, that keeps focus on Community, Documentation
and Code.
Major features:
Other changes:
For more, visit Krysalis on SourceForge or the Krysalis web site. 22 March 2002 - Krysalis Centipede = Ant + CocoonKrysalis Centipede is a basic build starter kit that uses Apache Ant and Cocoon. It's in version 0.2 and growing fast. The docs will start to come out as soon as the structure stabilizes. Next week's version will include:
For more, visit Krysalis on SourceForge: 07 March 2002 - Enterprise Object Broker: EJB for mere mortalsEnterprise Object Broker (EOB) is an application server that tries to a be a simpler EJB container. It is not complete yet, but we have many demos showing local, remote, and webapp usage. Take a look at http://eob.sourceforge.net/ We are looking to add more demos, especially Jakarta ones. The best candidates are WAR file apps with object models (hopefully interface/impl separated) that can be moved out of the Servlet's context. These also include EJB using webapps, but the EJB side would have to be trimmed of the EJB 'noise' before being run in EOB. As well as our need for more demos, we are interested in people to join in the main development. Apache license of course. 5 March 2002 - Poolman developer retiresThe developer of the popular Poolman connection pool has retired from active work on the product. The current beta release was to include pooling of PreparedStatments. While Poolman has a tremendous user base, it has never attracted a developer community. The current beta and prior stable releases are still available from SourceForge. If you are a Poolman user, you may wish to tuck away a copy of the distribution archives for safekeeping.
From the CodeStudio site
Poolman in the Commons? 1 March 2002 - Simper 0.2: JDBC PersistenceSimper is a simple JDBC persistence mechanism for Java web apps. It features many of the interesting features of EJB, such as automatic transaction demarcation (by way of Servlet Filters), and automatic change detection of database rows (by way of DynaBeans). Lastly, the notation by which you reference rows, as well as relations between tables, is extremely JSP friendly. http://www.netmeme.org/simper/ 8 February 2002 - JasperReports: Writing Complex Reports and PDFJava based, XML enabled reporting tool that organizes data retrieved through JDBC into a ready to print document, according to the template defined in a XML file. The output can be delivered to the screen, printer, or stored in XML or PDF file. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/ JavaReports relies on a number of Jakarta technologies,including the Commons-Digester. Status is alpha/pre-release. 15 January 2002 - dbForms releases version 1.0DbForms enables developers to build sophisticated web-based database driven applications in very short time and with very little effort. DbForms - applications are built in a conceptually very similar manner to RAD - database building tools like Sybase PowerSite (for web-based applications) or even Microsoft Access (for Windows-based applications) The philosophy behind DbForms could be described shortly as follows user places database components and action elements on templates, which get executed at runtime user is not required program anything (he/she just designs the app) DbForms utilizes technology from the Jakarta-Commons and works well with Jakarta Struts, and other Java Web application frameworks. [ News Headlines index ][ Newsletters Archive ][ Jakarta Product News from 2004 Jul-Dec ][ Jakarta Product News from 2004 Jan-Jun ][ Other News from 2004 Jul-Dec ][ Other News from 2004 Jan-Jun ][ Jakarta News from 2003 ][ Other News from 2003 ][ Jakarta News from 2002 ][ Other News from 2002 ][ News from 2001 ][ News from 2000 ] |
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