Class XMLEncode

  extended by org.apache.commons.xmlio.out.XMLEncode

public final class XMLEncode
extends Object

Collection of XML encoding/decoding helpers.
This is all about the special characters & and <, and for attributes " and '. These must be encoded/decoded from/to XML.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean isCompatibleWithCDATABlock(String text)
          Can this text be stored into a CDATA block?
static boolean isWhiteSpace(String text)
          Checks if this text purely consists of the white space characters ' ', TAB, NEWLINE.
static boolean needsEncoding(String text)
          Checks if this text needs encoding in order to be represented in XML.
static boolean needsEncoding(String data, boolean checkForAttr)
          Checks if this text needs encoding in order to be represented in XML.
static String xmlDecodeTextToCDATA(String pcdata)
          Make CDATA out of possibly encoded PCDATA.
static String xmlEncodeText(String text)
          Encodes text as XML in the most suitable way, either CDATA block or PCDATA.
static String xmlEncodeTextAsCDATABlock(String text)
          Returns string as CDATA block if possible, otherwise null.
static String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA(String text)
          Encodes any text as PCDATA.
static String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA(String text, boolean forAttribute)
          Encodes any text as PCDATA.
static String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA(String text, boolean forAttribute, char quoteChar)
          Encodes any text as PCDATA.
static String xmlEncodeTextForAttribute(String text, char quoteChar)
          Makes any text fit into XML attributes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XMLEncode()
Method Detail


public static final boolean isWhiteSpace(String text)
Checks if this text purely consists of the white space characters ' ', TAB, NEWLINE.


public static final String xmlEncodeTextForAttribute(String text,
                                                     char quoteChar)
Makes any text fit into XML attributes.


public static final String xmlEncodeText(String text)
Encodes text as XML in the most suitable way, either CDATA block or PCDATA.


public static final String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA(String text)
Encodes any text as PCDATA.


public static final String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA(String text,
                                                 boolean forAttribute)
Encodes any text as PCDATA.

forAttribute - if you want quotes and apostrophes specially treated for attributes


public static final String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA(String text,
                                                 boolean forAttribute,
                                                 char quoteChar)
Encodes any text as PCDATA.

forAttribute - if you want quotes and apostrophes specially treated for attributes
quoteChar - if this is for attributes this char is used to quote the attribute value


public static final String xmlEncodeTextAsCDATABlock(String text)
Returns string as CDATA block if possible, otherwise null.


public static final boolean needsEncoding(String text)
Checks if this text needs encoding in order to be represented in XML.


public static final boolean needsEncoding(String data,
                                          boolean checkForAttr)
Checks if this text needs encoding in order to be represented in XML. Set checkForAttr if you want to check for storability in an attribute.


public static final boolean isCompatibleWithCDATABlock(String text)
Can this text be stored into a CDATA block?


public static final String xmlDecodeTextToCDATA(String pcdata)
Make CDATA out of possibly encoded PCDATA.
E.g. make '&' out of '&amp;'

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