Uses of Interface

Packages that use Filter
org.apache.commons.chain.generic Concrete implementations of generic Commands that are useful in many different environments, not tied to a particular tier such as Servlets). 
org.apache.commons.chain.web.servlet Specialized Context and Command implementations suitable for use in a Servlet API environment. 

Uses of Filter in org.apache.commons.chain.generic

Classes in org.apache.commons.chain.generic that implement Filter
 class DispatchLookupCommand
          This command combines elements of the LookupCommand with the DispatchCommand.
 class LookupCommand
          Look up a specified Command (which could also be a Chain) in a Catalog, and delegate execution to it.

Uses of Filter in org.apache.commons.chain.web.servlet

Classes in org.apache.commons.chain.web.servlet that implement Filter
 class PathInfoMapper
          Command that uses the "path info" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
 class RequestParameterMapper
          Command that uses a specified request parameter to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
 class ServletPathMapper
          Command that uses the "servlet path" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.

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