Related Projects
Projects Using Jakarta-ORO
These are a just a few of the software projects using
Jakarta-ORO. If you would like to have your project added to
this list, please contact the
mailing list.
ArsDigita Community System
- An open source Java platform for Web application development.
Compaq Web Language
- A scripting language for automating tasks on the World
Wide Web.
- Cruise Control
- A tool for setting up a continuous build process.
- DBInspect
- A database inspection tool which eases writing and executing
SQL statements against relational databases and viewing, sorting,
searching, filtering, exporting, and updating the results.
- E
- A secure distributed object platform and P2P scripting
- Free ECMAScript Interpreter.
- FindIt
- A Java GUI application that helps you construct and
validate regular expressions.
- FormProc
- A Java library designed to make web form handling easy.
- Jakarta JMeter
- A 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test
functional behavior and measure performance.
- Jakarta Taglibs
- An open source repository for JSP custom taglibs.
- Jakarta Velocity
- A Java-based template engine providing an alternative to JSP.
- Jena
- A Java framework for writing Semantic Web applications.
- JPublish
- A Web publishing framework that merges Velocity with a
content repository and application control framework.
- Joist
- Java Open Infrastructure of Servlets and Templates.
- jwma
- A WebMail implementation in Java.
- Jython
- An implementaiton of Python in Java.
Netscape Directory SDK for Java
- A Java LDAP library.
- S-Link-S
- Scholarly Link Specification Framework.
- SnipSnap
- SnipSnap is a free and easy to install Weblog and Wiki
Software written in Java.
- Standalone Analysis System Hierarchy, an object-oriented
data reduction and analysis system.
- Tambora
- An open source Web-based Business to Business (B2B)
application designed to facilitate information exchange
between business partners in the printing and publishing
- UrlRewriteFilter
- An open source servlet filter that lets users of Tomcat
(and other servlet containers) rewrite URLs (as you would in
Apache httpd using mod_rewrite).