




Related Projects

Development Plan: 2.0 to 3.0

The development plan is not ready yet, but the idea is that we'll go through a series of iterative develop, test, bug fix, test again, release, revisit objectives, cycles and incrementally release stable versions of the software. The primary objective of the work taking us from 2.0 through 2.1, 2.2, etc. up to 3.0 is to achieve Perl 5.6 regular expression compatibility in version 3.0 for the org.apache.oro.text.regex and org.apache.oro.text.perl packages. This is the driving force because the Perl expressions are the library's most popular feature. Other development will transpire, but the focus will be on the Perl regular expression support.

  1. Overview
    1. Purpose
    2. Deliverables
  2. Development Work
    1. Regression and Unit Testing
    2. Performance Testing and Optimization
    3. Defect Correction
    4. Functionality Enhancement
  3. User Support
    1. Documentation
    2. Example Code
  4. Code Development and Maintenance
    1. Code Cleanup
    2. Committers
  5. Release Schedule
  6. Beyond 3.0

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