2011/12/21 - Jakarta has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.



1. The following new members were welcomed into the Jakarta PMC

Peter Donald

Diane Holt

Ted Husted

Ceki Gülcü

Geir Magnusson Jr.

Daniel F. Savarese

Jason van Zyl

2. Old Business:

2.1 Sam: revise the scope of Jakarta

The following new charter was adopted by unanimous consent:

  WHEREAS, the Board of deems it to be in the best interests
  of the Foundation and with the Foundation's purpose to
  establish a Project Committee charged with the creation
  and maintenance of open-source, server-side
  software solutions for Java Platform, for distribution at no
  charge to the public.
  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Project Management
  Committee known as the "Jakarta Project Management Committee",
  be and hereby is reestablished pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
  and be it further
  RESOLVED, that the Jakarta Project Management Committee be and
  hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
  commercial-quality, open-source, server-side solutions for the Java
  Platform based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it
  RESOLVED, that the person holding the office of "Vice President,
  Jakarta" shall continue to serve at the direction of the Board of
  Directors as the chairman of the Jakarta Project Management
  Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
  projects within the scope of responsibility of the Jakarta Project
  Management Committee; and be it further
  RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
  are appointed to serve as members of the Jakarta Project Management
  James Duncan Davidson     <duncan.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Peter Donald         <donaldp.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Pier Paolo Fumagalli     <pier.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Diane Holt         <holtdl.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Ted Husted         <husted.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Ceki Gülcü         <ceki.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Geir Magnusson Jr.     <geirm.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Craig McClanahan     <craigmcc.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Sam Ruby         <rubys.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Daniel F. Savarese     <dfs.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Jon Stevens         <jon.AT.apache.DOT.org>
  Jason van Zyl         <jvanzyl.AT.apache.DOT.org>

2.2 Sam: formalization of the subproject hierarchy.

jakarta-alexandria Sam Ruby
jakarta-ant Diane Holt
jakarta-avalon Peter Donald
jakarta-ecs Jon Stevens
jakarta-james Peter Donald
jakarta-jetspeed Jason van Zyl
jakarta-jmeter Geir Magnusson Jr.
jakarta-log4j Ceki Gülcü
jakarta-oro Daniel Savarese
jakarta-regexp Daniel Savarese
jakarta-servletapi Craig McClanahan
jakarta-site2 Jon Stevens
jakarta-slide Craig McClanahan
jakarta-struts Craig McClanahan
jakarta-taglibs Ted Husted
jakarta-tomcat Craig McClanahan
jakarta-tools Craig McClanahan
jakarta-turbine Jason van Zyl
jakarta-velocity Magnusson Jr.
jakarta-watchdog Craig McClanahan

2.3 Unassigned: reformat the rules for revolutionaries document from an email to a bylaw

Item assigned to Ted Husted. Status to be reported at the next meeting.

2.4 James: Clarify the voting rules (specifically vetoes): give some examples and updating the document on the web site and proposing to general.

To be reassigned to Ted and merged with 2.7 below, after Sam checks to see if James is OK with this.

2.5 James: put out a clear and separate e-mail to the tomcat mailing lists indicating what the criteria is for a release plan.

To be reassigned to Ted and merged with 2.7 below, after Sam checks to see if James is OK with this.

2.6 Unassigned: Proposal for cvs layout

Assigned to Ceki. Current draft posted at http://jakarta.apache.org/site/dirlayout.html. Action item expanded to include build procedures. Ceki to report status at the next meeting.

2.7 James: review the bylaws.

Ted has been stewarding this one. Current draft posted at http://jakarta.apache.org/site/proposal.html. Ted to report status at the next meeting.

3. New Business:

3.1 Commons proposal

A vote was held on the content of http://www.husted.com/about/commons/. Tally was nine +1's, one +0, and one -1 (in absentia). Proposal passes. Ted designated the owner of this new subproject.

3.2 PMC Member election process

General discussion of the recent XML PMC election was held. Some support was indicated for reforming the Jakarta election process along similar lines. Discussion will continue on general@jakarta.

4. Subproject status

Taglibs release a set of JDBC tags

Tomcat 3.2.2 is imminent with a cross-scripting vulnerability fix

Velocity plans a 1.0 release in April.

Tomcat 4.1 no longer exists - Craig to clarify

5. Other changes in status of PMC members

Anil and Hans have indicated their desires to discontinue their participation in the PMC. They will be missed. They are free to continue to subscribe to the PMC mailing list.

6. Schedule for next meeting

Date was set for 16 April 2001 at 1900 GMT.

About Jakarta

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Retired Subprojects