Class ConcurrentMergeScheduler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class ConcurrentMergeScheduler extends MergeScheduler
A MergeScheduler that runs each merge using a separate thread.

Specify the max number of threads that may run at once, and the maximum number of simultaneous merges with setMaxMergesAndThreads(int, int).

If the number of merges exceeds the max number of threads then the largest merges are paused until one of the smaller merges completes.

If more than getMaxMergeCount() merges are requested then this class will forcefully throttle the incoming threads by pausing until one more merges complete.

This class sets defaults based on Java's view of the cpu count, and it assumes a solid state disk (or similar). If you have a spinning disk and want to maximize performance, use setDefaultMaxMergesAndThreads(boolean).

  • Field Details


      public static final int AUTO_DETECT_MERGES_AND_THREADS
      Dynamic default for maxThreadCount and maxMergeCount, based on CPU core count. maxThreadCount is set to max(1, min(4, cpuCoreCount/2)). maxMergeCount is set to maxThreadCount + 5.
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_CPU_CORE_COUNT_PROPERTY
      Used for testing.
      See Also:
      NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • mergeThreads

      protected final List<ConcurrentMergeScheduler.MergeThread> mergeThreads
      List of currently active ConcurrentMergeScheduler.MergeThreads.
    • mergeThreadCount

      protected int mergeThreadCount
      How many ConcurrentMergeScheduler.MergeThreads have kicked off (this is use to name them).
    • targetMBPerSec

      protected double targetMBPerSec
      Current IO writes throttle rate
    • intraMergeExecutor

      protected org.apache.lucene.index.ConcurrentMergeScheduler.CachedExecutor intraMergeExecutor
      The executor provided for intra-merge parallelization
  • Constructor Details

    • ConcurrentMergeScheduler

      public ConcurrentMergeScheduler()
      Sole constructor, with all settings set to default values.
  • Method Details

    • setMaxMergesAndThreads

      public void setMaxMergesAndThreads(int maxMergeCount, int maxThreadCount)
      Expert: directly set the maximum number of merge threads and simultaneous merges allowed.
      maxMergeCount - the max # simultaneous merges that are allowed. If a merge is necessary yet we already have this many threads running, the incoming thread (that is calling add/updateDocument) will block until a merge thread has completed. Note that we will only run the smallest maxThreadCount merges at a time.
      maxThreadCount - the max # simultaneous merge threads that should be running at once. This must be <= maxMergeCount
    • setDefaultMaxMergesAndThreads

      public void setDefaultMaxMergesAndThreads(boolean spins)
      Sets max merges and threads to proper defaults for rotational or non-rotational storage.
      spins - true to set defaults best for traditional rotatational storage (spinning disks), else false (e.g. for solid-state disks)
    • setForceMergeMBPerSec

      public void setForceMergeMBPerSec(double v)
      Set the per-merge IO throttle rate for forced merges (default: Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY).
    • getForceMergeMBPerSec

      public double getForceMergeMBPerSec()
      Get the per-merge IO throttle rate for forced merges.
    • enableAutoIOThrottle

      public void enableAutoIOThrottle()
      Turn on dynamic IO throttling, to adaptively rate limit writes bytes/sec to the minimal rate necessary so merges do not fall behind. By default this is enabled.
    • disableAutoIOThrottle

      public void disableAutoIOThrottle()
      Turn off auto IO throttling.
      See Also:
    • getAutoIOThrottle

      public boolean getAutoIOThrottle()
      Returns true if auto IO throttling is currently enabled.
    • getIORateLimitMBPerSec

      public double getIORateLimitMBPerSec()
      Returns the currently set per-merge IO writes rate limit, if enableAutoIOThrottle() was called, else Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
    • getMaxThreadCount

      public int getMaxThreadCount()
      Returns maxThreadCount.
      See Also:
    • getMaxMergeCount

      public int getMaxMergeCount()
    • getIntraMergeExecutor

      public Executor getIntraMergeExecutor(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
      Description copied from class: MergeScheduler
      Provides an executor for parallelism during a single merge operation. By default, the method returns a SameThreadExecutorService where all intra-merge actions occur in their calling thread.
      getIntraMergeExecutor in class MergeScheduler
    • wrapForMerge

      public Directory wrapForMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, Directory in)
      Description copied from class: MergeScheduler
      Wraps the incoming Directory so that we can merge-throttle it using RateLimitedIndexOutput.
      wrapForMerge in class MergeScheduler
    • updateMergeThreads

      protected void updateMergeThreads()
      Called whenever the running merges have changed, to set merge IO limits. This method sorts the merge threads by their merge size in descending order and then pauses/unpauses threads from first to last -- that way, smaller merges are guaranteed to run before larger ones.
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: MergeScheduler
      Close this MergeScheduler.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      close in class MergeScheduler
    • sync

      public void sync()
      Wait for any running merge threads to finish. This call is not interruptible as used by close().
    • mergeThreadCount

      public int mergeThreadCount()
      Returns the number of merge threads that are alive, ignoring the calling thread if it is a merge thread. Note that this number is ≤ mergeThreads size.
      NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • merge

      public void merge(MergeScheduler.MergeSource mergeSource, MergeTrigger trigger) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: MergeScheduler
      Run the merges provided by MergeScheduler.MergeSource.getNextMerge().
      Specified by:
      merge in class MergeScheduler
      mergeSource - the IndexWriter to obtain the merges from.
      trigger - the MergeTrigger that caused this merge to happen
    • maybeStall

      protected boolean maybeStall(MergeScheduler.MergeSource mergeSource)
      This is invoked by merge(org.apache.lucene.index.MergeScheduler.MergeSource, org.apache.lucene.index.MergeTrigger) to possibly stall the incoming thread when there are too many merges running or pending. The default behavior is to force this thread, which is producing too many segments for merging to keep up, to wait until merges catch up. Applications that can take other less drastic measures, such as limiting how many threads are allowed to index, can do nothing here and throttle elsewhere.

      If this method wants to stall but the calling thread is a merge thread, it should return false to tell caller not to kick off any new merges.

    • doStall

      protected void doStall()
      Called from maybeStall(org.apache.lucene.index.MergeScheduler.MergeSource) to pause the calling thread for a bit.
    • doMerge

      protected void doMerge(MergeScheduler.MergeSource mergeSource, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge) throws IOException
    • getMergeThread

      Create and return a new MergeThread
    • handleMergeException

      protected void handleMergeException(Throwable exc)
      Called when an exception is hit in a background merge thread
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • targetMBPerSecChanged

      protected void targetMBPerSecChanged()
      Subclass can override to tweak targetMBPerSec.