Class Digester

  extended by org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
      extended by org.apache.commons.digester.Digester
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.xml.sax.ContentHandler, org.xml.sax.DTDHandler, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver, org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler

public class Digester
extends org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler

A Digester processes an XML input stream by matching a series of element nesting patterns to execute Rules that have been added prior to the start of parsing. This package was inspired by the XmlMapper class that was part of Tomcat 3.0 and 3.1, but is organized somewhat differently.

See the Digester Developer Guide for more information.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE - A single Digester instance may only be used within the context of a single thread at a time, and a call to parse() must be completed before another can be initiated even from the same thread.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE - A bug in Xerces 2.0.2 prevents the support of XML schema. You need Xerces 2.1/2.3 and up to make this class working with XML schema

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer bodyText
          The body text of the current element.
protected  org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack bodyTexts
          The stack of body text string buffers for surrounding elements.
protected  java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader
          The class loader to use for instantiating application objects.
protected  boolean configured
          Has this Digester been configured yet.
protected  org.xml.sax.EntityResolver entityResolver
          The EntityResolver used by the SAX parser.
protected  java.util.HashMap entityValidator
          The URLs of entityValidator that have been registered, keyed by the public identifier that corresponds.
protected  org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler
          The application-supplied error handler that is notified when parsing warnings, errors, or fatal errors occur.
protected  javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory factory
          The SAXParserFactory that is created the first time we need it.
protected  java.util.List inputSources
          List of InputSource instances created by a createInputSourceFromURL() method call.
protected  java.lang.String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE
          Deprecated. This is now managed by ParserFeatureSetterFactory
protected  org.xml.sax.Locator locator
          The Locator associated with our parser.
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
          The Log to which most logging calls will be made.
protected  java.lang.String match
          The current match pattern for nested element processing.
protected  org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack matches
          Stack whose elements are List objects, each containing a list of Rule objects as returned from Rules.getMatch().
protected  boolean namespaceAware
          Do we want a "namespace aware" parser.
protected  java.util.HashMap namespaces
          Registered namespaces we are currently processing.
protected  org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack params
          The parameters stack being utilized by CallMethodRule and CallParamRule rules.
protected  javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser parser
          The SAXParser we will use to parse the input stream.
protected  java.lang.String publicId
          The public identifier of the DTD we are currently parsing under (if any).
protected  org.xml.sax.XMLReader reader
          The XMLReader used to parse digester rules.
protected  java.lang.Object root
          The "root" element of the stack (in other words, the last object that was popped.
protected  Rules rules
          The Rules implementation containing our collection of Rule instances and associated matching policy.
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log saxLog
          The Log to which all SAX event related logging calls will be made.
protected  java.lang.String schemaLanguage
          The XML schema language to use for validating an XML instance.
protected  java.lang.String schemaLocation
          The XML schema to use for validating an XML instance.
protected  org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack stack
          The object stack being constructed.
protected  Substitutor substitutor
          An optional class that substitutes values in attributes and body text.
protected  boolean useContextClassLoader
          Do we want to use the Context ClassLoader when loading classes for instantiating new objects.
protected  boolean validating
          Do we want to use a validating parser.
protected static java.lang.String W3C_XML_SCHEMA
          The schema language supported.
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new Digester with default properties.
Digester(javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser parser)
          Construct a new Digester, allowing a SAXParser to be passed in.
Digester(org.xml.sax.XMLReader reader)
          Construct a new Digester, allowing an XMLReader to be passed in.
Method Summary
 void addBeanPropertySetter(java.lang.String pattern)
          Add a "bean property setter" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addBeanPropertySetter(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Add a "bean property setter" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName)
          Add an "call method" rule for a method which accepts no arguments.
 void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName, int paramCount)
          Add an "call method" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName, int paramCount, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes)
          Add an "call method" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName, int paramCount, java.lang.String[] paramTypes)
          Add an "call method" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern, int paramIndex)
          Add a "call parameter" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern, int paramIndex, boolean fromStack)
          Add a "call parameter" rule.
 void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern, int paramIndex, int stackIndex)
          Add a "call parameter" rule that sets a parameter from the stack.
 void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern, int paramIndex, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Add a "call parameter" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addCallParamPath(java.lang.String pattern, int paramIndex)
          Add a "call parameter" rule that sets a parameter from the current Digester matching path.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Class clazz)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, ObjectCreationFactory creationFactory)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, ObjectCreationFactory creationFactory, boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String className)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String className, boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String attributeName, boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
          Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Class clazz)
          Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String className)
          Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Class clazz)
          Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addObjectParam(java.lang.String pattern, int paramIndex, java.lang.Object paramObj)
          Add a "call parameter" rule that sets a parameter from a caller-provided object.
 void addRule(java.lang.String pattern, Rule rule)
          Register a new Rule matching the specified pattern.
 void addRuleSet(RuleSet ruleSet)
          Register a set of Rule instances defined in a RuleSet.
 void addSetNestedProperties(java.lang.String pattern)
          Adds an SetNestedPropertiesRule.
 void addSetNestedProperties(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String[] elementNames, java.lang.String[] propertyNames)
          Adds an SetNestedPropertiesRule.
 void addSetNestedProperties(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Adds an SetNestedPropertiesRule.
 void addSetNext(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName)
          Add a "set next" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addSetNext(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String paramType)
          Add a "set next" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addSetProperties(java.lang.String pattern)
          Add a "set properties" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addSetProperties(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String[] attributeNames, java.lang.String[] propertyNames)
          Add a "set properties" rule with overridden parameters.
 void addSetProperties(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Add a "set properties" rule with a single overridden parameter.
 void addSetProperty(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Add a "set property" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addSetRoot(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName)
          Add SetRootRule with the specified parameters.
 void addSetRoot(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String paramType)
          Add SetRootRule with the specified parameters.
 void addSetTop(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName)
          Add a "set top" rule for the specified parameters.
 void addSetTop(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String paramType)
          Add a "set top" rule for the specified parameters.
 void characters(char[] buffer, int start, int length)
          Process notification of character data received from the body of an XML element.
protected  void cleanup()
          Clean up allocated resources after parsing is complete.
 void clear()
          Clear the current contents of the default object stack, the param stack, all named stacks, and other internal variables.
protected  void configure()
           Provide a hook for lazy configuration of this Digester instance.
 org.xml.sax.InputSource createInputSourceFromURL(java.lang.String url)
          Convenience method that creates an InputSource from the string version of a URL.
 org.xml.sax.InputSource createInputSourceFromURL( url)
          Given a URL, return an InputSource that reads from that URL.
 org.xml.sax.SAXException createSAXException(java.lang.Exception e)
          Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs
 org.xml.sax.SAXException createSAXException(java.lang.String message)
          Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs
 org.xml.sax.SAXException createSAXException(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Exception e)
          Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs
 void endDocument()
          Process notification of the end of the document being reached.
 void endElement(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName)
          Process notification of the end of an XML element being reached.
 void endPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix)
          Process notification that a namespace prefix is going out of scope.
 void error(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException exception)
          Forward notification of a parsing error to the application supplied error handler (if any).
 void fatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException exception)
          Forward notification of a fatal parsing error to the application supplied error handler (if any).
 java.lang.String findNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
          Return the currently mapped namespace URI for the specified prefix, if any; otherwise return null.
 java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          Return the class loader to be used for instantiating application objects when required.
 int getCount()
          Return the current depth of the element stack.
 java.lang.String getCurrentElementName()
          Return the name of the XML element that is currently being processed.
 java.util.Map getCurrentNamespaces()
          Get the most current namespaces for all prefixes.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler getCustomContentHandler()
 int getDebug()
          Deprecated. This method now always returns 0. Digester uses the apache jakarta commons-logging library; see the documentation for that library for more information.
 org.xml.sax.Locator getDocumentLocator()
          Gets the document locator associated with our parser.
 org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
          Return the Entity Resolver used by the SAX parser.
 org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
          Return the error handler for this Digester.
 javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory getFactory()
          Return the SAXParserFactory we will use, creating one if necessary.
 boolean getFeature(java.lang.String feature)
          Returns a flag indicating whether the requested feature is supported by the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
 org.apache.commons.logging.Log getLogger()
          Return the current Logger associated with this instance of the Digester
 java.lang.String getMatch()
          Return the current rule match path
 boolean getNamespaceAware()
          Return the "namespace aware" flag for parsers we create.
 javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser getParser()
          Return the SAXParser we will use to parse the input stream.
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String property)
          Return the current value of the specified property for the underlying XMLReader implementation.
 java.lang.String getPublicId()
          Return the public identifier of the DTD we are currently parsing under, if any.
 org.xml.sax.XMLReader getReader()
          Deprecated. Use getXMLReader() instead, which can throw a SAXException if the reader cannot be instantiated
 java.lang.Object getRoot()
          Returns the root element of the tree of objects created as a result of applying the rule objects to the input XML.
 java.lang.String getRuleNamespaceURI()
          Return the namespace URI that will be applied to all subsequently added Rule objects.
 Rules getRules()
          Return the Rules implementation object containing our rules collection and associated matching policy.
 org.apache.commons.logging.Log getSAXLogger()
          Gets the logger used for logging SAX-related information.
 java.lang.String getSchema()
          Return the XML Schema URI used for validating an XML instance.
 java.lang.String getSchemaLanguage()
          Return the XML Schema language used when parsing.
 StackAction getStackAction()
          See setStackAction.
 Substitutor getSubstitutor()
          Gets the Substitutor used to convert attributes and body text.
 boolean getUseContextClassLoader()
          Return the boolean as to whether the context classloader should be used.
 boolean getValidating()
          Return the validating parser flag.
 org.xml.sax.XMLReader getXMLReader()
          Return the XMLReader to be used for parsing the input document.
 void ignorableWhitespace(char[] buffer, int start, int len)
          Process notification of ignorable whitespace received from the body of an XML element.
protected  void initialize()
           Provides a hook for lazy initialization of this Digester instance.
 boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String stackName)
          Is the stack with the given name empty?
 void log(java.lang.String message)
          Deprecated. Call getLogger() and use it's logging methods
 void log(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable exception)
          Deprecated. Call getLogger() and use it's logging methods
 void notationDecl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
          Receive notification of a notation declaration event.
 java.lang.Object parse( file)
          Parse the content of the specified file using this Digester.
 java.lang.Object parse(org.xml.sax.InputSource input)
          Parse the content of the specified input source using this Digester.
 java.lang.Object parse( input)
          Parse the content of the specified input stream using this Digester.
 java.lang.Object parse( reader)
          Parse the content of the specified reader using this Digester.
 java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.String uri)
          Parse the content of the specified URI using this Digester.
 java.lang.Object parse( url)
          Parse the content of the specified URL using this Digester.
 java.lang.Object peek()
          Return the top object on the stack without removing it.
 java.lang.Object peek(int n)
          Return the n'th object down the stack, where 0 is the top element and [getCount()-1] is the bottom element.
 java.lang.Object peek(java.lang.String stackName)
          Gets the top object from the stack with the given name.
 java.lang.Object peek(java.lang.String stackName, int n)
          Gets the top object from the stack with the given name.
 java.lang.Object peekParams()
          Return the top object on the parameters stack without removing it.
 java.lang.Object peekParams(int n)
          Return the n'th object down the parameters stack, where 0 is the top element and [getCount()-1] is the bottom element.
 java.lang.Object pop()
          Pop the top object off of the stack, and return it.
 java.lang.Object pop(java.lang.String stackName)
          Pops (gets and removes) the top object from the stack with the given name.
 java.lang.Object popParams()
          Pop the top object off of the parameters stack, and return it.
 void processingInstruction(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String data)
          Process notification of a processing instruction that was encountered.
 void push(java.lang.Object object)
          Push a new object onto the top of the object stack.
 void push(java.lang.String stackName, java.lang.Object value)
          Pushes the given object onto the stack with the given name.
 void pushParams(java.lang.Object object)
          Push a new object onto the top of the parameters stack.
 void register(java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String entityURL)
          Convenience method that registers the string version of an entity URL instead of a URL version.
 void register(java.lang.String publicId, entityURL)
          Register the specified DTD URL for the specified public identifier.
 void resetRoot()
          This method allows the "root" variable to be reset to null.
 org.xml.sax.InputSource resolveEntity(java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId)
          Resolve the requested external entity.
 void setClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Set the class loader to be used for instantiating application objects when required.
 void setCustomContentHandler(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler)
          Redirects (or cancels redirecting) of SAX ContentHandler events to an external object.
 void setDebug(int debug)
          Deprecated. This method now has no effect at all. Digester uses the apache jakarta comons-logging library; see the documentation for that library for more information.
 void setDocumentLocator(org.xml.sax.Locator locator)
          Sets the document locator associated with our parser.
 void setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver entityResolver)
          Set the EntityResolver used by SAX when resolving public id and system id.
 void setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler)
          Set the error handler for this Digester.
 void setFeature(java.lang.String feature, boolean value)
          Sets a flag indicating whether the requested feature is supported by the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader.
 void setLogger(org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
          Set the current logger for this Digester.
 void setNamespaceAware(boolean namespaceAware)
          Set the "namespace aware" flag for parsers we create.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String property, java.lang.Object value)
          Set the current value of the specified property for the underlying XMLReader implementation.
 void setPublicId(java.lang.String publicId)
          Set the publid id of the current file being parse.
 void setRuleNamespaceURI(java.lang.String ruleNamespaceURI)
          Set the namespace URI that will be applied to all subsequently added Rule objects.
 void setRules(Rules rules)
          Set the Rules implementation object containing our rules collection and associated matching policy.
 void setSAXLogger(org.apache.commons.logging.Log saxLog)
          Sets the logger used for logging SAX-related information.
 void setSchema(java.lang.String schemaLocation)
          Set the XML Schema URI used for validating the input XML.
 void setSchemaLanguage(java.lang.String schemaLanguage)
          Set the XML Schema language used when parsing.
 void setStackAction(StackAction stackAction)
          Define a callback object which is invoked whever an object is pushed onto a digester object stack, or popped off one.
 void setSubstitutor(Substitutor substitutor)
          Sets the Substitutor to be used to convert attributes and body text.
 void setUseContextClassLoader(boolean use)
          Determine whether to use the Context ClassLoader (the one found by calling Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) to resolve/load classes that are defined in various rules.
 void setValidating(boolean validating)
          Set the validating parser flag.
 void skippedEntity(java.lang.String name)
          Process notification of a skipped entity.
 void startDocument()
          Process notification of the beginning of the document being reached.
 void startElement(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String qName, org.xml.sax.Attributes list)
          Process notification of the start of an XML element being reached.
 void startPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String namespaceURI)
          Process notification that a namespace prefix is coming in to scope.
 void unparsedEntityDecl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicId, java.lang.String systemId, java.lang.String notation)
          Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event.
 void warning(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException exception)
          Forward notification of a parse warning to the application supplied error handler (if any).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.StringBuffer bodyText
The body text of the current element.


protected org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack bodyTexts
The stack of body text string buffers for surrounding elements.


protected org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack matches
Stack whose elements are List objects, each containing a list of Rule objects as returned from Rules.getMatch(). As each xml element in the input is entered, the matching rules are pushed onto this stack. After the end tag is reached, the matches are popped again. The depth of is stack is therefore exactly the same as the current "nesting" level of the input xml.



protected java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader
The class loader to use for instantiating application objects. If not specified, the context class loader, or the class loader used to load Digester itself, is used, based on the value of the useContextClassLoader variable.


protected boolean configured
Has this Digester been configured yet.


protected org.xml.sax.EntityResolver entityResolver
The EntityResolver used by the SAX parser. By default it use this class


protected java.util.HashMap entityValidator
The URLs of entityValidator that have been registered, keyed by the public identifier that corresponds.


protected org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler
The application-supplied error handler that is notified when parsing warnings, errors, or fatal errors occur.


protected javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory factory
The SAXParserFactory that is created the first time we need it.


protected java.lang.String JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE
Deprecated. This is now managed by ParserFeatureSetterFactory


protected org.xml.sax.Locator locator
The Locator associated with our parser.


protected java.lang.String match
The current match pattern for nested element processing.


protected boolean namespaceAware
Do we want a "namespace aware" parser.


protected java.util.HashMap namespaces
Registered namespaces we are currently processing. The key is the namespace prefix that was declared in the document. The value is an ArrayStack of the namespace URIs this prefix has been mapped to -- the top Stack element is the most current one. (This architecture is required because documents can declare nested uses of the same prefix for different Namespace URIs).


protected org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack params
The parameters stack being utilized by CallMethodRule and CallParamRule rules.


protected javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser parser
The SAXParser we will use to parse the input stream.


protected java.lang.String publicId
The public identifier of the DTD we are currently parsing under (if any).


protected org.xml.sax.XMLReader reader
The XMLReader used to parse digester rules.


protected java.lang.Object root
The "root" element of the stack (in other words, the last object that was popped.


protected Rules rules
The Rules implementation containing our collection of Rule instances and associated matching policy. If not established before the first rule is added, a default implementation will be provided.


protected java.lang.String schemaLanguage
The XML schema language to use for validating an XML instance. By default this value is set to W3C_XML_SCHEMA


protected java.lang.String schemaLocation
The XML schema to use for validating an XML instance.


protected org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack stack
The object stack being constructed.


protected boolean useContextClassLoader
Do we want to use the Context ClassLoader when loading classes for instantiating new objects. Default is false.


protected boolean validating
Do we want to use a validating parser.


protected org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
The Log to which most logging calls will be made.


protected org.apache.commons.logging.Log saxLog
The Log to which all SAX event related logging calls will be made.


protected static final java.lang.String W3C_XML_SCHEMA
The schema language supported. By default, we use this one.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected Substitutor substitutor
An optional class that substitutes values in attributes and body text. This may be null and so a null check is always required before use.


protected java.util.List inputSources

List of InputSource instances created by a createInputSourceFromURL() method call. These represent open input streams that need to be closed to avoid resource leaks, as well as potentially locked JAR files on Windows.

Constructor Detail


public Digester()
Construct a new Digester with default properties.


public Digester(javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser parser)
Construct a new Digester, allowing a SAXParser to be passed in. This allows Digester to be used in environments which are unfriendly to JAXP1.1 (such as WebLogic 6.0). This may help in places where you are able to load JAXP 1.1 classes yourself.


public Digester(org.xml.sax.XMLReader reader)
Construct a new Digester, allowing an XMLReader to be passed in. This allows Digester to be used in environments which are unfriendly to JAXP1.1 (such as WebLogic 6.0). Note that if you use this option you have to configure namespace and validation support yourself, as these properties only affect the SAXParser and emtpy constructor.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String findNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
Return the currently mapped namespace URI for the specified prefix, if any; otherwise return null. These mappings come and go dynamically as the document is parsed.

prefix - Prefix to look up


public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
Return the class loader to be used for instantiating application objects when required. This is determined based upon the following rules:


public void setClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
Set the class loader to be used for instantiating application objects when required.

classLoader - The new class loader to use, or null to revert to the standard rules


public int getCount()
Return the current depth of the element stack.


public java.lang.String getCurrentElementName()
Return the name of the XML element that is currently being processed.


public int getDebug()
Deprecated. This method now always returns 0. Digester uses the apache jakarta commons-logging library; see the documentation for that library for more information.

Return the debugging detail level of our currently enabled logger.


public void setDebug(int debug)
Deprecated. This method now has no effect at all. Digester uses the apache jakarta comons-logging library; see the documentation for that library for more information.

Set the debugging detail level of our currently enabled logger.

debug - New debugging detail level (0=off, increasing integers for more detail)


public org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
Return the error handler for this Digester.


public void setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler errorHandler)
Set the error handler for this Digester.

errorHandler - The new error handler


public javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory getFactory()
Return the SAXParserFactory we will use, creating one if necessary.


public boolean getFeature(java.lang.String feature)
                   throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException,
Returns a flag indicating whether the requested feature is supported by the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader. See the saxproject website for information about the standard SAX2 feature flags.

feature - Name of the feature to inquire about
javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException - if a parser configuration error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException - if the property name is not recognized
org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException - if the property name is recognized but not supported


public void setFeature(java.lang.String feature,
                       boolean value)
                throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException,
Sets a flag indicating whether the requested feature is supported by the underlying implementation of org.xml.sax.XMLReader. See the saxproject website for information about the standard SAX2 feature flags. In order to be effective, this method must be called before the getParser() method is called for the first time, either directly or indirectly.

feature - Name of the feature to set the status for
value - The new value for this feature
javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException - if a parser configuration error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException - if the property name is not recognized
org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException - if the property name is recognized but not supported


public org.apache.commons.logging.Log getLogger()
Return the current Logger associated with this instance of the Digester


public void setLogger(org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
Set the current logger for this Digester.


public org.apache.commons.logging.Log getSAXLogger()
Gets the logger used for logging SAX-related information. Note the output is finely grained.



public void setSAXLogger(org.apache.commons.logging.Log saxLog)
Sets the logger used for logging SAX-related information. Note the output is finely grained.

saxLog - Log, not null


public java.lang.String getMatch()
Return the current rule match path


public boolean getNamespaceAware()
Return the "namespace aware" flag for parsers we create.


public void setNamespaceAware(boolean namespaceAware)
Set the "namespace aware" flag for parsers we create.

namespaceAware - The new "namespace aware" flag


public void setPublicId(java.lang.String publicId)
Set the publid id of the current file being parse.

publicId - the DTD/Schema public's id.


public java.lang.String getPublicId()
Return the public identifier of the DTD we are currently parsing under, if any.


public java.lang.String getRuleNamespaceURI()
Return the namespace URI that will be applied to all subsequently added Rule objects.


public void setRuleNamespaceURI(java.lang.String ruleNamespaceURI)
Set the namespace URI that will be applied to all subsequently added Rule objects.

ruleNamespaceURI - Namespace URI that must match on all subsequently added rules, or null for matching regardless of the current namespace URI


public javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser getParser()
Return the SAXParser we will use to parse the input stream. If there is a problem creating the parser, return null.


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String property)
                             throws org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException,
Return the current value of the specified property for the underlying XMLReader implementation. See the saxproject website for information about the standard SAX2 properties.

property - Property name to be retrieved
org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException - if the property name is not recognized
org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException - if the property name is recognized but not supported


public void setProperty(java.lang.String property,
                        java.lang.Object value)
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException,
Set the current value of the specified property for the underlying XMLReader implementation. See the saxproject website for information about the standard SAX2 properties.

property - Property name to be set
value - Property value to be set
org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException - if the property name is not recognized
org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException - if the property name is recognized but not supported


public org.xml.sax.XMLReader getReader()
Deprecated. Use getXMLReader() instead, which can throw a SAXException if the reader cannot be instantiated

By setting the reader in the constructor, you can bypass JAXP and be able to use digester in Weblogic 6.0.


public Rules getRules()
Return the Rules implementation object containing our rules collection and associated matching policy. If none has been established, a default implementation will be created and returned.


public void setRules(Rules rules)
Set the Rules implementation object containing our rules collection and associated matching policy.

rules - New Rules implementation


public java.lang.String getSchema()
Return the XML Schema URI used for validating an XML instance.


public void setSchema(java.lang.String schemaLocation)
Set the XML Schema URI used for validating the input XML.

It is often desirable to force the input document to be validated against a particular schema regardless of what type the input document declares itself to be. This method allows that to be done.

Note, however, that there is no standard API for enabling this feature on the underlying SAX parser; this method therefore only works for those parsers explicitly supported by Digester's ParserFeatureSetterFactory class. If the underlying parser does not support the feature, or is not one of the supported parsers, then an exception will be thrown when getParser is called (explicitly, or implicitly via the parse method).

See also method setSchemaLanguage which allows the type of the schema specified here to be defined. By default, the schema is expected to be a W3C xml schema definition.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This functionality was never very reliable, and has been horribly broken since the 1.6 release of Digester. There are currently no plans to fix it, so you are strongly recommended to avoid using this method. Instead, create an XMLParser instance yourself, configure validation appropriately, and pass it as a parameter to the Digester constructor.

schemaLocation - a URI to the schema.


public java.lang.String getSchemaLanguage()
Return the XML Schema language used when parsing.


public void setSchemaLanguage(java.lang.String schemaLanguage)
Set the XML Schema language used when parsing. By default, we use W3C.

schemaLanguage - a URI to the schema language.


public boolean getUseContextClassLoader()
Return the boolean as to whether the context classloader should be used.


public void setUseContextClassLoader(boolean use)
Determine whether to use the Context ClassLoader (the one found by calling Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) to resolve/load classes that are defined in various rules. If not using Context ClassLoader, then the class-loading defaults to using the calling-class' ClassLoader.

use - determines whether to use Context ClassLoader.


public boolean getValidating()
Return the validating parser flag.


public void setValidating(boolean validating)
Set the validating parser flag. This must be called before parse() is called the first time.

validating - The new validating parser flag.


public org.xml.sax.XMLReader getXMLReader()
                                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Return the XMLReader to be used for parsing the input document. FIX ME: there is a bug in JAXP/XERCES that prevent the use of a parser that contains a schema with a DTD.

org.xml.sax.SAXException - if no XMLReader can be instantiated


public Substitutor getSubstitutor()
Gets the Substitutor used to convert attributes and body text.

Substitutor, null if not substitutions are to be performed.


public void setSubstitutor(Substitutor substitutor)
Sets the Substitutor to be used to convert attributes and body text.

substitutor - the Substitutor to be used to convert attributes and body text or null if not substitution of these values is to be performed.


public org.xml.sax.ContentHandler getCustomContentHandler()


public void setCustomContentHandler(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler)
Redirects (or cancels redirecting) of SAX ContentHandler events to an external object.

When this object's customContentHandler is non-null, any SAX events received from the parser will simply be passed on to the specified object instead of this object handling them. This allows Rule classes to take control of the SAX event stream for a while in order to do custom processing. Such a rule should save the old value before setting a new one, and restore the old value in order to resume normal digester processing.

An example of a Rule which needs this feature is NodeCreateRule.

Note that saving the old value is probably not needed as it should always be null; a custom rule that wants to take control could only have been called when there was no custom content handler. But it seems cleaner to properly save/restore the value and maybe some day this will come in useful.

Note also that this is not quite equivalent to

for these reasons:



public void setStackAction(StackAction stackAction)
Define a callback object which is invoked whever an object is pushed onto a digester object stack, or popped off one.



public StackAction getStackAction()
See setStackAction.



public java.util.Map getCurrentNamespaces()
Get the most current namespaces for all prefixes.

Map A map with namespace prefixes as keys and most current namespace URIs for the corresponding prefixes as values


public void characters(char[] buffer,
                       int start,
                       int length)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of character data received from the body of an XML element.

Specified by:
characters in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
characters in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
buffer - The characters from the XML document
start - Starting offset into the buffer
length - Number of characters from the buffer
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void endDocument()
                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of the end of the document being reached.

Specified by:
endDocument in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
endDocument in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void endElement(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                       java.lang.String localName,
                       java.lang.String qName)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of the end of an XML element being reached.

Specified by:
endElement in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
endElement in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
namespaceURI - - The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
localName - - The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
qName - - The qualified XML 1.0 name (with prefix), or the empty string if qualified names are not available.
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void endPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix)
                      throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification that a namespace prefix is going out of scope.

Specified by:
endPrefixMapping in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
endPrefixMapping in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
prefix - Prefix that is going out of scope
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] buffer,
                                int start,
                                int len)
                         throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of ignorable whitespace received from the body of an XML element.

Specified by:
ignorableWhitespace in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
ignorableWhitespace in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
buffer - The characters from the XML document
start - Starting offset into the buffer
len - Number of characters from the buffer
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void processingInstruction(java.lang.String target,
                                  java.lang.String data)
                           throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of a processing instruction that was encountered.

Specified by:
processingInstruction in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
processingInstruction in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
target - The processing instruction target
data - The processing instruction data (if any)
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public org.xml.sax.Locator getDocumentLocator()
Gets the document locator associated with our parser.

the Locator supplied by the document parser


public void setDocumentLocator(org.xml.sax.Locator locator)
Sets the document locator associated with our parser.

Specified by:
setDocumentLocator in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
setDocumentLocator in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
locator - The new locator


public void skippedEntity(java.lang.String name)
                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of a skipped entity.

Specified by:
skippedEntity in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
skippedEntity in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
name - Name of the skipped entity
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void startDocument()
                   throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of the beginning of the document being reached.

Specified by:
startDocument in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
startDocument in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void startElement(java.lang.String namespaceURI,
                         java.lang.String localName,
                         java.lang.String qName,
                         org.xml.sax.Attributes list)
                  throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification of the start of an XML element being reached.

Specified by:
startElement in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
startElement in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
namespaceURI - The Namespace URI, or the empty string if the element has no Namespace URI or if Namespace processing is not being performed.
localName - The local name (without prefix), or the empty string if Namespace processing is not being performed.
qName - The qualified name (with prefix), or the empty string if qualified names are not available.\
list - The attributes attached to the element. If there are no attributes, it shall be an empty Attributes object.
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void startPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefix,
                               java.lang.String namespaceURI)
                        throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Process notification that a namespace prefix is coming in to scope.

Specified by:
startPrefixMapping in interface org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
startPrefixMapping in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
prefix - Prefix that is being declared
namespaceURI - Corresponding namespace URI being mapped to
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing error is to be reported


public void notationDecl(java.lang.String name,
                         java.lang.String publicId,
                         java.lang.String systemId)
Receive notification of a notation declaration event.

Specified by:
notationDecl in interface org.xml.sax.DTDHandler
notationDecl in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
name - The notation name
publicId - The public identifier (if any)
systemId - The system identifier (if any)


public void unparsedEntityDecl(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String publicId,
                               java.lang.String systemId,
                               java.lang.String notation)
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration event.

Specified by:
unparsedEntityDecl in interface org.xml.sax.DTDHandler
unparsedEntityDecl in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
name - The unparsed entity name
publicId - The public identifier (if any)
systemId - The system identifier (if any)
notation - The name of the associated notation


public void setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver entityResolver)
Set the EntityResolver used by SAX when resolving public id and system id. This must be called before the first call to parse().

entityResolver - a class that implement the EntityResolver interface.


public org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
Return the Entity Resolver used by the SAX parser.

Return the Entity Resolver used by the SAX parser.


public org.xml.sax.InputSource resolveEntity(java.lang.String publicId,
                                             java.lang.String systemId)
                                      throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Resolve the requested external entity.

Specified by:
resolveEntity in interface org.xml.sax.EntityResolver
resolveEntity in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
publicId - The public identifier of the entity being referenced
systemId - The system identifier of the entity being referenced
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public void error(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException exception)
           throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Forward notification of a parsing error to the application supplied error handler (if any).

Specified by:
error in interface org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
error in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
exception - The error information
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public void fatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException exception)
                throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Forward notification of a fatal parsing error to the application supplied error handler (if any).

Specified by:
fatalError in interface org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
fatalError in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
exception - The fatal error information
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public void warning(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException exception)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Forward notification of a parse warning to the application supplied error handler (if any).

Specified by:
warning in interface org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
warning in class org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
exception - The warning information
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public void log(java.lang.String message)
Deprecated. Call getLogger() and use it's logging methods

Log a message to our associated logger.

message - The message to be logged


public void log(java.lang.String message,
                java.lang.Throwable exception)
Deprecated. Call getLogger() and use it's logging methods

Log a message and exception to our associated logger.

message - The message to be logged


public java.lang.Object parse( file)
Parse the content of the specified file using this Digester. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).

file - File containing the XML data to be parsed
Throws: - if an input/output error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public java.lang.Object parse(org.xml.sax.InputSource input)
Parse the content of the specified input source using this Digester. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).

input - Input source containing the XML data to be parsed
Throws: - if an input/output error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public java.lang.Object parse( input)
Parse the content of the specified input stream using this Digester. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).

input - Input stream containing the XML data to be parsed
Throws: - if an input/output error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public java.lang.Object parse( reader)
Parse the content of the specified reader using this Digester. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).

reader - Reader containing the XML data to be parsed
Throws: - if an input/output error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.String uri)
Parse the content of the specified URI using this Digester. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).

uri - URI containing the XML data to be parsed
Throws: - if an input/output error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public java.lang.Object parse( url)
Parse the content of the specified URL using this Digester. Returns the root element from the object stack (if any).

urL - URL containing the XML data to be parsed
Throws: - if an input/output error occurs
org.xml.sax.SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs


public void register(java.lang.String publicId,

Register the specified DTD URL for the specified public identifier. This must be called before the first call to parse().

Digester contains an internal EntityResolver implementation. This maps PUBLICID's to URLs (from which the resource will be loaded). A common use case for this method is to register local URLs (possibly computed at runtime by a classloader) for DTDs. This allows the performance advantage of using a local version without having to ensure every SYSTEM URI on every processed xml document is local. This implementation provides only basic functionality. If more sophisticated features are required, using setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver) to set a custom resolver is recommended.

Note: This method will have no effect when a custom EntityResolver has been set. (Setting a custom EntityResolver overrides the internal implementation.)

publicId - Public identifier of the DTD to be resolved
entityURL - The URL to use for reading this DTD


public void register(java.lang.String publicId,
                     java.lang.String entityURL)

Convenience method that registers the string version of an entity URL instead of a URL version.

publicId - Public identifier of the entity to be resolved
entityURL - The URL to use for reading this entity


public org.xml.sax.InputSource createInputSourceFromURL( url)
Given a URL, return an InputSource that reads from that URL.

Ideally this function would not be needed and code could just use new InputSource(entityURL). Unfortunately it appears that when the entityURL points to a file within a jar archive a caching mechanism inside the InputSource implementation causes a file-handle to the jar file to remain open. On Windows systems this then causes the jar archive file to be locked on disk ("in use") which makes it impossible to delete the jar file - and that really stuffs up "undeploy" in webapps in particular.

In JDK1.4 and later, Apache XercesJ is used as the xml parser. The InputSource object provided is converted into an XMLInputSource, and eventually passed to an instance of XMLDocumentScannerImpl to specify the source data to be converted into tokens for the rest of the XMLReader code to handle. XMLDocumentScannerImpl calls fEntityManager.startDocumentEntity(source), where fEntityManager is declared in ancestor class XMLScanner to be an XMLEntityManager. In that class, if the input source stream is null, then:

  URL location = new URL(expandedSystemId);
  URLConnection connect = location.openConnection();
  if (connect instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
  stream = connect.getInputStream();
This method pretty much duplicates the standard behaviour, except that it calls URLConnection.setUseCaches(false) before opening the connection.



public org.xml.sax.InputSource createInputSourceFromURL(java.lang.String url)

Convenience method that creates an InputSource from the string version of a URL.

url - URL for which to create an InputSource


public void addRule(java.lang.String pattern,
                    Rule rule)

Register a new Rule matching the specified pattern. This method sets the Digester property on the rule.

pattern - Element matching pattern
rule - Rule to be registered


public void addRuleSet(RuleSet ruleSet)
Register a set of Rule instances defined in a RuleSet.

ruleSet - The RuleSet instance to configure from


public void addBeanPropertySetter(java.lang.String pattern)
Add a "bean property setter" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
See Also:


public void addBeanPropertySetter(java.lang.String pattern,
                                  java.lang.String propertyName)
Add a "bean property setter" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
propertyName - Name of property to set
See Also:


public void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern,
                          java.lang.String methodName)
Add an "call method" rule for a method which accepts no arguments.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to be called
See Also:


public void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern,
                          java.lang.String methodName,
                          int paramCount)
Add an "call method" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to be called
paramCount - Number of expected parameters (or zero for a single parameter from the body of this element)
See Also:


public void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern,
                          java.lang.String methodName,
                          int paramCount,
                          java.lang.String[] paramTypes)
Add an "call method" rule for the specified parameters. If paramCount is set to zero the rule will use the body of the matched element as the single argument of the method, unless paramTypes is null or empty, in this case the rule will call the specified method with no arguments.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to be called
paramCount - Number of expected parameters (or zero for a single parameter from the body of this element)
paramTypes - Set of Java class names for the types of the expected parameters (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)
See Also:


public void addCallMethod(java.lang.String pattern,
                          java.lang.String methodName,
                          int paramCount,
                          java.lang.Class[] paramTypes)
Add an "call method" rule for the specified parameters. If paramCount is set to zero the rule will use the body of the matched element as the single argument of the method, unless paramTypes is null or empty, in this case the rule will call the specified method with no arguments.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to be called
paramCount - Number of expected parameters (or zero for a single parameter from the body of this element)
paramTypes - The Java class names of the arguments (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)
See Also:


public void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern,
                         int paramIndex)
Add a "call parameter" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
paramIndex - Zero-relative parameter index to set (from the body of this element)
See Also:


public void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern,
                         int paramIndex,
                         java.lang.String attributeName)
Add a "call parameter" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
paramIndex - Zero-relative parameter index to set (from the specified attribute)
attributeName - Attribute whose value is used as the parameter value
See Also:


public void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern,
                         int paramIndex,
                         boolean fromStack)
Add a "call parameter" rule. This will either take a parameter from the stack or from the current element body text.

paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
fromStack - Should the call parameter be taken from the top of the stack?
See Also:


public void addCallParam(java.lang.String pattern,
                         int paramIndex,
                         int stackIndex)
Add a "call parameter" rule that sets a parameter from the stack. This takes a parameter from the given position on the stack.

paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
stackIndex - set the call parameter to the stackIndex'th object down the stack, where 0 is the top of the stack, 1 the next element down and so on
See Also:


public void addCallParamPath(java.lang.String pattern,
                             int paramIndex)
Add a "call parameter" rule that sets a parameter from the current Digester matching path. This is sometimes useful when using rules that support wildcards.

pattern - the pattern that this rule should match
paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
See Also:


public void addObjectParam(java.lang.String pattern,
                           int paramIndex,
                           java.lang.Object paramObj)
Add a "call parameter" rule that sets a parameter from a caller-provided object. This can be used to pass constants such as strings to methods; it can also be used to pass mutable objects, providing ways for objects to do things like "register" themselves with some shared object.

Note that when attempting to locate a matching method to invoke, the true type of the paramObj is used, so that despite the paramObj being passed in here as type Object, the target method can declare its parameters as being the true type of the object (or some ancestor type, according to the usual type-conversion rules).

paramIndex - The zero-relative parameter number
paramObj - Any arbitrary object to be passed to the target method.
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.String className)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters. Exceptions thrown during the object creation process will be propagated.

pattern - Element matching pattern
className - Java class name of the object creation factory class
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.Class clazz)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters. Exceptions thrown during the object creation process will be propagated.

pattern - Element matching pattern
clazz - Java class of the object creation factory class
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.String className,
                             java.lang.String attributeName)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters. Exceptions thrown during the object creation process will be propagated.

pattern - Element matching pattern
className - Java class name of the object creation factory class
attributeName - Attribute name which, if present, overrides the value specified by className
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.Class clazz,
                             java.lang.String attributeName)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters. Exceptions thrown during the object creation process will be propagated.

pattern - Element matching pattern
clazz - Java class of the object creation factory class
attributeName - Attribute name which, if present, overrides the value specified by className
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             ObjectCreationFactory creationFactory)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters. Exceptions thrown during the object creation process will be propagated.

pattern - Element matching pattern
creationFactory - Previously instantiated ObjectCreationFactory to be utilized
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.String className,
                             boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
className - Java class name of the object creation factory class
ignoreCreateExceptions - when true any exceptions thrown during object creation will be ignored.
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.Class clazz,
                             boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
clazz - Java class of the object creation factory class
ignoreCreateExceptions - when true any exceptions thrown during object creation will be ignored.
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.String className,
                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                             boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
className - Java class name of the object creation factory class
attributeName - Attribute name which, if present, overrides the value specified by className
ignoreCreateExceptions - when true any exceptions thrown during object creation will be ignored.
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.Class clazz,
                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                             boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
clazz - Java class of the object creation factory class
attributeName - Attribute name which, if present, overrides the value specified by className
ignoreCreateExceptions - when true any exceptions thrown during object creation will be ignored.
See Also:


public void addFactoryCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                             ObjectCreationFactory creationFactory,
                             boolean ignoreCreateExceptions)
Add a "factory create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
creationFactory - Previously instantiated ObjectCreationFactory to be utilized
ignoreCreateExceptions - when true any exceptions thrown during object creation will be ignored.
See Also:


public void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                            java.lang.String className)
Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
className - Java class name to be created
See Also:


public void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                            java.lang.Class clazz)
Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
clazz - Java class to be created
See Also:


public void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                            java.lang.String className,
                            java.lang.String attributeName)
Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
className - Default Java class name to be created
attributeName - Attribute name that optionally overrides the default Java class name to be created
See Also:


public void addObjectCreate(java.lang.String pattern,
                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                            java.lang.Class clazz)
Add an "object create" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
attributeName - Attribute name that optionally overrides
clazz - Default Java class to be created the default Java class name to be created
See Also:


public void addSetNestedProperties(java.lang.String pattern)
Adds an SetNestedPropertiesRule.

pattern - register the rule with this pattern


public void addSetNestedProperties(java.lang.String pattern,
                                   java.lang.String elementName,
                                   java.lang.String propertyName)
Adds an SetNestedPropertiesRule.

pattern - register the rule with this pattern
elementName - elment name that a property maps to
propertyName - property name of the element mapped from


public void addSetNestedProperties(java.lang.String pattern,
                                   java.lang.String[] elementNames,
                                   java.lang.String[] propertyNames)
Adds an SetNestedPropertiesRule.

pattern - register the rule with this pattern
elementNames - elment names that (in order) map to properties
propertyNames - property names that (in order) elements are mapped to


public void addSetNext(java.lang.String pattern,
                       java.lang.String methodName)
Add a "set next" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to call on the parent element
See Also:


public void addSetNext(java.lang.String pattern,
                       java.lang.String methodName,
                       java.lang.String paramType)
Add a "set next" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to call on the parent element
paramType - Java class name of the expected parameter type (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)
See Also:


public void addSetRoot(java.lang.String pattern,
                       java.lang.String methodName)
Add SetRootRule with the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to call on the root object
See Also:


public void addSetRoot(java.lang.String pattern,
                       java.lang.String methodName,
                       java.lang.String paramType)
Add SetRootRule with the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to call on the root object
paramType - Java class name of the expected parameter type
See Also:


public void addSetProperties(java.lang.String pattern)
Add a "set properties" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
See Also:


public void addSetProperties(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                             java.lang.String propertyName)
Add a "set properties" rule with a single overridden parameter. See SetPropertiesRule.SetPropertiesRule(String attributeName, String propertyName)

pattern - Element matching pattern
attributeName - map this attribute
propertyName - to this property
See Also:


public void addSetProperties(java.lang.String pattern,
                             java.lang.String[] attributeNames,
                             java.lang.String[] propertyNames)
Add a "set properties" rule with overridden parameters. See SetPropertiesRule.SetPropertiesRule(String [] attributeNames, String [] propertyNames)

pattern - Element matching pattern
attributeNames - names of attributes with custom mappings
propertyNames - property names these attributes map to
See Also:


public void addSetProperty(java.lang.String pattern,
                           java.lang.String name,
                           java.lang.String value)
Add a "set property" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
name - Attribute name containing the property name to be set
value - Attribute name containing the property value to set
See Also:


public void addSetTop(java.lang.String pattern,
                      java.lang.String methodName)
Add a "set top" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to call on the parent element
See Also:


public void addSetTop(java.lang.String pattern,
                      java.lang.String methodName,
                      java.lang.String paramType)
Add a "set top" rule for the specified parameters.

pattern - Element matching pattern
methodName - Method name to call on the parent element
paramType - Java class name of the expected parameter type (if you wish to use a primitive type, specify the corresonding Java wrapper class instead, such as java.lang.Boolean for a boolean parameter)
See Also:


public void clear()
Clear the current contents of the default object stack, the param stack, all named stacks, and other internal variables.

Calling this method might allow another document of the same type to be correctly parsed. However this method was not intended for this purpose. In general, a separate Digester object should be created for each document to be parsed.


public java.lang.Object peek()
Return the top object on the stack without removing it. If there are no objects on the stack, return null.


public java.lang.Object peek(int n)
Return the n'th object down the stack, where 0 is the top element and [getCount()-1] is the bottom element. If the specified index is out of range, return null.

n - Index of the desired element, where 0 is the top of the stack, 1 is the next element down, and so on.


public java.lang.Object pop()
Pop the top object off of the stack, and return it. If there are no objects on the stack, return null.


public void push(java.lang.Object object)
Push a new object onto the top of the object stack.

object - The new object


public void push(java.lang.String stackName,
                 java.lang.Object value)
Pushes the given object onto the stack with the given name. If no stack already exists with the given name then one will be created.

stackName - the name of the stack onto which the object should be pushed
value - the Object to be pushed onto the named stack.


public java.lang.Object pop(java.lang.String stackName)

Pops (gets and removes) the top object from the stack with the given name.

Note: a stack is considered empty if no objects have been pushed onto it yet.

stackName - the name of the stack from which the top value is to be popped.
the top Object on the stack or or null if the stack is either empty or has not been created yet
java.util.EmptyStackException - if the named stack is empty


public java.lang.Object peek(java.lang.String stackName)

Gets the top object from the stack with the given name. This method does not remove the object from the stack.

Note: a stack is considered empty if no objects have been pushed onto it yet.

stackName - the name of the stack to be peeked
the top Object on the stack or null if the stack is either empty or has not been created yet
java.util.EmptyStackException - if the named stack is empty


public java.lang.Object peek(java.lang.String stackName,
                             int n)

Gets the top object from the stack with the given name. This method does not remove the object from the stack.

Note: a stack is considered empty if no objects have been pushed onto it yet.

stackName - the name of the stack to be peeked
n - Index of the desired element, where 0 is the top of the stack, 1 is the next element down, and so on.
the specified Object on the stack.
java.util.EmptyStackException - if the named stack is empty


public boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String stackName)

Is the stack with the given name empty?

Note: a stack is considered empty if no objects have been pushed onto it yet.

stackName - the name of the stack whose emptiness should be evaluated
true if the given stack if empty


public java.lang.Object getRoot()
Returns the root element of the tree of objects created as a result of applying the rule objects to the input XML.

If the digester stack was "primed" by explicitly pushing a root object onto the stack before parsing started, then that root object is returned here.

Alternatively, if a Rule which creates an object (eg ObjectCreateRule) matched the root element of the xml, then the object created will be returned here.

In other cases, the object most recently pushed onto an empty digester stack is returned. This would be a most unusual use of digester, however; one of the previous configurations is much more likely.

Note that when using one of the Digester.parse methods, the return value from the parse method is exactly the same as the return value from this method. However when the Digester is being used as a SAXContentHandler, no such return value is available; in this case, this method allows you to access the root object that has been created after parsing has completed.

the root object that has been created after parsing or null if the digester has not parsed any XML yet.


public void resetRoot()
This method allows the "root" variable to be reset to null.

It is not considered safe for a digester instance to be reused to parse multiple xml documents. However if you are determined to do so, then you should call both clear() and resetRoot() before each parse.



protected void cleanup()

Clean up allocated resources after parsing is complete. The default method closes input streams that have been created by Digester itself. If you override this method in a subclass, be sure to call super.cleanup() to invoke this logic.



protected void configure()

Provide a hook for lazy configuration of this Digester instance. The default implementation does nothing, but subclasses can override as needed.

Note This method may be called more than once. Once only initialization code should be placed in initialize() or the code should take responsibility by checking and setting the configured flag.


protected void initialize()

Provides a hook for lazy initialization of this Digester instance. The default implementation does nothing, but subclasses can override as needed. Digester (by default) only calls this method once.

Note This method will be called by configure() only when the configured flag is false. Subclasses that override configure or who set configured may find that this method may be called more than once.



public java.lang.Object peekParams()

Return the top object on the parameters stack without removing it. If there are no objects on the stack, return null.

The parameters stack is used to store CallMethodRule parameters. See params.


public java.lang.Object peekParams(int n)

Return the n'th object down the parameters stack, where 0 is the top element and [getCount()-1] is the bottom element. If the specified index is out of range, return null.

The parameters stack is used to store CallMethodRule parameters. See params.

n - Index of the desired element, where 0 is the top of the stack, 1 is the next element down, and so on.


public java.lang.Object popParams()

Pop the top object off of the parameters stack, and return it. If there are no objects on the stack, return null.

The parameters stack is used to store CallMethodRule parameters. See params.


public void pushParams(java.lang.Object object)

Push a new object onto the top of the parameters stack.

The parameters stack is used to store CallMethodRule parameters. See params.

object - The new object


public org.xml.sax.SAXException createSAXException(java.lang.String message,
                                                   java.lang.Exception e)
Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs

the new exception


public org.xml.sax.SAXException createSAXException(java.lang.Exception e)
Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs

the new exception


public org.xml.sax.SAXException createSAXException(java.lang.String message)
Create a SAX exception which also understands about the location in the digester file where the exception occurs

the new exception

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