Apache Jakarta Jakarta Alexandria



Alexandria is a CVS/Javadoc/Source code/Documentation management system meant for use within Open Source projects. It's goal is to create a global documentation and source organization system to help people understand source code and to share code across projects.
Alexandria is a Java centric project, and the backend is implemented in all XML.

Currently this project has been lying uncatered for a long time, and the original codebase is obsolete. There have been code donations recently and interest has resurged, but there is still a lot to do.
If you are interested, join the alexandria-dev@jakarta.apache.org mailing list by sending an empty message to alexandria-dev-subscribe@jakarta.apache.org, and we will be happy to get some help.

JavaSrc has been donated to Apache and is in the Jakarta Alexandria CVS repository. Documentation is being integrated in this site.

Why the name Alexandria?

The library of Alexandria was an enormous Library in ancient Egypt that was destroyed by fire. Many historians regards its destruction a major loss of knowledge (although it is commonly regarded as Legend). We just thought it was appropriate considering we have all this structured information on the Internet but it isn't being used.

A proposal for a new Alexandria called Gump is present in the alexandria repository under jakarta-alexandria/proposals/gump/**. It has overgrown its parent and has now its own website.


  • Browse multiple and remote source repositories
  • Generate Javadoc across multiple java projects
  • Browse source code in an organized manner
  • The "use" tag can be use across all projects within Alexandria
  • Support multiple revisions of the same content
  • Be easily pluggable in other systems like Ant, Forrest, and Maven.
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